Sunday, January 4, 2009

Sunday- So do you think I should be committed?

Well here it is almost midnight and I just realized I have not blogged yet today.
I am so not prepared. I don't even have a photo to share.
Been knitting but nothing really to show, tomorrow I will though, perhaps even another finished object.
I was thinking last year I committed to blog everyday 365 in a row. I managed to pull it off even with a hospital stay and a computer breakdown, thanks to my friends Ruth and Shelly.
So this year I was thinking I would commit to 365 projects this year. WHAT????? Are you out of your mind???? Shelly says I should BE COMMITTED for even thinking this.
Now no worries, I am not talking huge complicated things... even 1 crocheted square for Close Knit Hugs counts. A pair of slippers or socks will count as two things... so see it's doable, Right?
Well today is January 4th and I have 2 and 3/4 projects done... so I am 1 1/4 behind schedule. However I am confident I can catch up tomorrow since I am Adam free.
Naturally I have plans for tomorrow... I want to go to weight watchers, GNC, Walmart, the used book store and maybe AC Moore. So when am I supposed to KNIT???
Ahh heck I can knit in my sleep, can't you?
OK I have made my declaration, now you can all hold me to it or laugh me out of town when I can't even come close to 365 projects in 365 days. Oh Thank God it's not a leap year. LOL
Better get some sleep, ya think?
Sweet Dreams everyone


Unknown said...

You have got to be a super fast knittier. I don't think I could even commit to 12 items in 365 days lol. no really I couldn't. But I'd love to try.
Hugs Patt

Wendy said...

No you do not need to be committed......I have done it plus 2007 I did over 400 items for charity and that included joining afghans 2008 I was a little slower and did only about 150 items, but I think I had good I KNOW you can do it if you set your mind to it...Like you said squares would count and I am sure you can do a couple of those a day. AND you can crochet also.....
Good Luck...
and big HUGS

sailorcross said...

Well, I don't know about committed. I committed myself to making a project a month--either for me or someone else plus a square a day for the Ghana Project.

I've been slacking off on that lately and after organizing my yarn last evening after resting and spending the whole day in bed, I realized I have two cartons of acrylic yarn that needs to be used for this. Plus a whole bag (ran out of cartons) of baby yarn that I'm going to double strand to use as squares. One square counts as a project, right?

So, I'm in this with you!! Oh, and plus UFO's--though I really don't have too many--what I started I ripped out to start completely over. Does that count as a UFO?

Oops, almost forgot dishcloths!! One of those would count as a project, too!


SimplyMe said...

I still think you're nuts!! You don't need this kind of pressure....BUT as you can see, you don't listen to me anyway *wink*

Sew Many Stitches said...

That is alot or projects to commit to! But look at how well you did with the 365 days of postings so I know that you are going to be able to do this!

I am glad that even though you did not have a pic to post that you still left us, your fans, a message anyway since we all love to hear from you.

Hope you got plenty of rest before your running today.


Jane said...

365 projects? Yup certifiable! But I'll take the challenge and go for 52 projects this year. I have two done already!

Unknown said...

365, hmmmm, I'm with Jane, you are certifiable, of course, I wouldn't even commit to 52 . . . geez, I haven't even opened my calendar yet for this year!

Good luck.

Unknown said...

I guess you could make a bunch of yo-yos and say that each of those could be one. That way it would be do-able. But I don't think I could commit to 365 projects. Maybe you are certifiable. LOL. I want to make 12 pairs of socks this year. That's my goal. But good for you for setting a goal and reaching it. Have fun! I will be here to support you along.

smariek said...

I still think you're outta your mind! Good luck with this goal!

RoamingKnitter said...

You have a powerful belief in yourself to make such a goal. So of course I say, Go for it!

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