We have a winner... our very own TURTLE
CONGRATULATIONS!!!! It was your comment on day one of week two that won you the prize.

Thank you for playing, I will get your prize in the mail ASAP. Drop me an email with your mailing address ok?
I cannot believe how tired I am. I think after I got home from church I slept most of the day. Which of course has put me way behind schedule. I haven't even thought about the prize for week 3.
So for today's contest I am going to take a poll...
Post in the comment section your preference and help me decide what to give the winner this week.
1- Novelty Yarn, like ticker tape, lion suede, ribbon yarn etc. enough for a small project
2- A booklet with patterns and yarn to complete one of the patterns
3- Cotton and an original dishcloth pattern
4- Something else... please be specific, I need all the help I can get.
I hate putting this on you all, but honestly I am wiped out today, and I know you can all help me here.
We woke up to more snow today. So much for the green grass in the backyard, LOL.
Good day for me to work on the Shamrock pattern done in the Intarsia method like the Raven/Crow. I also have a few new patterns to graph, and hope to get to those today as well.
Making Shepherd's Pie for dinner tonight. It's one of my favorites. I shouldn't eat it though cause the corn and potatoes are too carby for me. I might just have the meat and a small spoonful of the rest. We shall see. If I have some cauliflower I might mash that up and use it for the potato part of mine, it's amazing how much like a potato that can taste when it's mashed up.
I haven't been to your blogs in a couple days, I just haven't felt good at all. But so far this morning I am good, so I hope to pay you all a visit today. I love reading your blogs and seeing what's going on in your lives too.
Happy blog reading today, I am looking forward to your ideas.
Psalms 121:1-2 [[A Song of degrees.]] I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. My help [cometh] from the LORD, which made heaven and earth.
Good morning Kat! I haven't been to anyone's blog lately either. Not even mine! lol
I consintrated so much on Raverly this weekend that I didn't get anything else done! That place is addictive.
There's no snow here, but it is colder this week. Nothing like what you're getting, but now I need a sweater or light jacket. lol
I vote for the cotton and a dishcloth pattern. I've vowed to start the patterns on the knitting calendar, so a dishcloth sounds like a great idea to me.
Turtle, congradulations!!
Well, I need to get some things done. See you later.
I am thinking Number 2, a booklet with enough yarn to complete one of the patterns.......Congrats. Turtle........I am getting ready to find a doctor to go to....My right side of my face is so swollen that I can hardly close my mouth and my eye is just a slit...
Hope you have a great day....
Congrats, Turtle!!
Shepherd's Pie sounds good...wish I wasn't too far away to just "be in the neighborhood". lol
I like the idea of #2 for a prize.
Those blogs aren't going anywhere...you just take care of yourself and you can catch up when you're feeling better.
WTG Turtle!!!!
Kathy, I hope you have a well rested day today. I vote for #2 or the cotton and dishcloth pattern.
Congratulations, Turtle!
I'm with cat: yarn and a pattern. Your patterns are so lovely!
Well, I'd really hate to have you send that ticker tape back my way....LOL....but it's all good. I like the pattern plus the yarn to make it idea. Or a few of your favorite dishcloth patterns from the free internet collection and the yarn to do one...whatever. Hell, a card that says you are a winner works real well for me.
Hi Kathy! You sure are brave doing a month long contest. Anyways, thanks for visiting my blog. :)
Love the KJV verses.
First...i won, yay! So cool! (doing the happy dance while tightly hanging onto the dishcloth i am knitting)
Shephards pie sounds yummy! Do you put cheese on top of yours? Hubby and i have had a debate about that for almost 20 years. His grandmother did, mine did not. Always curious what others do.
For your prize, hmmm. They all sound good but a complete project is always best. I vote for number 2 or 3.
So many illnesses going around. I hope everyone feels better soon! Our snow is due in tonight. Right now it is just 30 mph winds and rain. off to email you!
Congratulations, turtle!
I'll vote for #2 or 3 - yes, I know I'm probably only supposed to vote once, but I'm not great at making up my mind.
I hope you're feeling better and less tired soon.
number 2 for me also... A new pattern booklet is always good. I hope you are feeling better... I have to update my blog today, I had a doozy of a day yesterday!!!
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