Mal 3:10 Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the LORD of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that [there shall] not [be room] enough [to receive it].
God has truly blessed me with great friends and family, and His blessings never stop. Even when life is hard and things aren't going as I think they should, still He blesses me. This dishcloth will be a constant reminder to me of that.

Yesterday I finally bit the bullet and started up the ESTY shop. Shelly and I are partners, and we are really excited about getting this up and running. We are starting out slow but hope to build it up soon. I added a few things yesterday and she will be adding some more this week as well. And this is where I will put any patterns I am selling. My other pattern blog will still have free patterns available and more free stuff added there as well too. So if you are interested in the pattern for "Windows of Heaven" or for "Sprinkled Lace" they are both there and the pattern is only $1.00. There is a link on my side bar to our store, and one on Shelly's blog as well.

Contest Stuff
Wow I had 28 comments yesterday, amazing. I don't think I've ever had that many in one day. Today's contest mission... is a question.
Post your answer in the comment section today and earn another entry in the contest for the prize this week. I have a wonderful idea for this prize and will be confirming it hopefully today so I should be able to keep my promise and post about it tomorrow.

This weeks Cocoa Swap topic:
What is the most 'random' memory you have from your childhood?
Well the first thought was a family vacation we took in Baja, I was 10, and my sisters were 8 and 3 years old. We stayed on this beach in a lean to, and I remember the three of us in a blow up raft type boat rowing out into the deep waters crossing over to another island to go digging for crabs. I still to this day wonder what my mother was thinking we were so young to be in the bay like that alone, it sure was a different era. But it was an awesome vacation, we were there 15 days. I still remember catching a conch and trying to get it out of the shell so we could cook it, and it was the first time this CA native ever had a sunburn. We had quite and adventure getting there too... I think our car broke down, we had to stay in a hotel overnight while it got fixed, no one spoke English, and I only knew a few basic Spanish words. Of course my mom and dad fought, they always fought, but my sisters and I, we stuck together and I'll always hold onto those memories. I have more if you're interested, LOL... like the time we needed Santa to save us from the snow storm, remember we were CA kids we had never seen snow... or the Flintstone village we found by accident... or... yeah so many.

I am sure I had more I wanted to blog today but this already seems pretty long and I don't want to overwhelm you so I'll save it for tomorrow.
Praying today that you all can know the blessing of the Lord as well, that He opens up the windows of heaven for you today and overflows your life with blessings more then you can receive.
"Windows of heaven." Nice!
Were I to wish for yarn, it would be sea silk...
I can't remember the name, but I saw it at the LYS. It was a silky, dk or lace weight skein... oh, it was awesome... in a gorgeous blue color. it was awesome!
sea silk??? Hummm, teabird, I haven't heard of that yet!!! Now I have something new to google, thanks!!!
I'd have to say I'd love to try mountain colors again. That pattern I tried was a mess, but I really loved what little I did with the worsted weight wool. It really just whetted my appetite for more, and I'd LOVE to try their sock yarn. I'd do it all over again in sweet pea. Ahhhhhh, the memories.
What an awesome vacation. That sounds like a blast, and you know I'm sitting here wondering if the lean-to is still there! Wouldn't dh just D-I-E. Sometimes it amazes me that he was an Eagle Scout.
Get this....your rug has the most hits by far, wtg woman!
Wow, Kathy, you got so many comments! That's great! I like the name you chose for your dishcloth.
There are so many yarns that I would like to try that choosing one is hard. I think I would like to try some of the silk yarn that I saw or the bamboo yarn. They are both out of my price range, so it's just a dream. I'd buy them in a nice bright color to make a scarf since it would only be one skien. hehe
Talk to you again soon.
nice twist on the pattern name! Have fun with your etsy! I just started mine yesterday and had my first 2 sales yesterday!
I do not know the exact name of the yarn i would like to try and have seen it named various things. It is the yarn made from recycles silk sari's or kimono's. I think it would be interesting to knit with, tecxture wise, and the blend of such vibrant colors!
OMG the first thing I thought of yesterday was "Window to my Soul." I was going to come back after thinking on it but the day ran away from me.
It's tough to choose just one, but I think what I'd try first is Euroflax (right now I'd pick worsted weight in Celtic Blue, but that could change quickly).
I am right now on a kool-aid dyeing fix and a baby soaker fix so I would have to say something wool from Dharma Trading co.
Those are interesting memories! I remember the time that my dad took us on vacation in the camper bus to Rock Mountain Nat. Park for a week and let mom have a "real vacation". We ended camping next to a bunch of middle/high school age kids in a church camp out. I was 8-10ish at the time and when the leaders found out that mom wasn't with us they freaked out and assumed that mom and dad were getting a divorce! (My parents are still on their first and only marriage.) We went hiking for hours too! We loved hiking! I remember that one day we hiked 35 miles as a family and still wanted to hike more but dad was tired so we decided to stop for the day.
You can't sell patterns on Ravelry yet but I have been bugging Casey to be a beta tester for it when it does come up in personally I see no need to sell on etsy for only 2 months and then change over to Ravelry so I am just waiting.
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