I hope you have all enjoyed the contest this month and will keep coming back for more. Still unsure if I will pop in a small contest day or two in February, you never know, LOL.
I am always open for any suggestions you might have on contest ideas... I like to keep it interesting for you all, so feel free to send me any ideas you ever have, OK?
Since I am forever on a "diet" to lose weight... it got me thinking what kind of knitting "diet" are people on? Post today what kind of "knitting diet" you are on by answering the following poll and earn an entry into the final day of January's contest.
1- I am on the eat all you want knitting diet... I can't get enough and I don't care if I am bulging out over the edges
2- I am on the use it to lose it plan. Trying to lighten the "stash" load, use what I have before I buy more. Waste not, want not, right?
3- I only restrict my "knitting diet" on weekdays. Weekends and holidays are a free for all, watch out LYS I am a hungry girl on Saturdays, LOL
4- I am starving, my stash is gone, my needles are lonely, but hey the "Sheep" are happy, right?

Well I finally finished my mini project carryall bag. I used the ticker tape, in pink, it's the perfect size for a couple balls of cotton, needles and a pattern for those on the go dishcloth projects. It's a little bright in the picture, camera woes still, but it's cute. I like it.

Today I am hoping to get the taxes done. I think I finally have all the documents I need. Tomorrow Adam returns, so today is the day.
Just a reminder everyone there are many other contests out there in blogland... I have a few links on the side bar for individual contests and one of the links is a blog that is strictly to list contests she has found out there. I think you can never have too many contests, right?
Have a terrific Thursday everyone...
Psa 66:20 Blessed [be] God, which hath not turned away my prayer, nor his mercy from me.