Thursday Contest Question:
Most of you who come here to read are women so I guess it's OK to ask this question, lol... How much are you willing to spend on a new purse? Do you have a specific brand you'd be willing to pay more for or do you shop strictly by size, color and price? Post your answer in the comment section to receive your Thursday contest entry.
I know that's a silly question but hey that's my life these days. I can't remember the last time I bought a purse, maybe 10 years ago or more. I think I paid $10 for it and I was still using it right up until today. But the leather or fake leather, not sure which it is made out of, is so worn that it started flaking and I'd find these brown colored flecks of something on my arms and clothes and I couldn't figure where they were coming from then I noticed it was the purse. Time to get a new one. This was the purse I ended up with.

It's a "
KATHY VAN ZEELAND" What I liked about this purse is it has the name "KATHY" right on it. It is MY PURSE, only thing that would have mande it more perfect is if it said Aunt Kathy. I guess it's a designer purse, but I bought it at Burlington Coat Factory so it sells for $99.00 retail and I got it for $49.99. I almost didn't buy it... $50 for a purse??!!!! But honestly every purse I saw there was $30 or higher and I stopped at JC Penney's first and theirs were all $70 and up. OMG that's just unbelievable. I guess you don't know how much prices have skyrocketed until you actually get out there and shop. I should have known though, I was looking for a wallet for my husband for Fathers Day and the simple "cheap" trifold things even at Walmart were $19.99, where are those $5 wallets?
See what happens when you allow your weight to make you a semi hermit? I have not been out shopping in many years so this is all new to me. I dread what I am gonna pay for new shoes, my feet have shrunk 2 sizes since I lost this weight, I hav enever paid more than $10 for a pair of shoes and that was the MAX... oh boy am I going to be shocked again I think.
I'll leave you tonight with a picture of Adam and me from the graduation on Wednesday

Have a wonderful night, sweet dreams and I'll see you on Friday.