Got rid of a lot of junk from my house yesterday, I'd say 15 garbage bags full. We worked from 8am to 6pm. Today I rest. LOL
Weren't those great buttons yesterday? All different sizes and colors. Some really small, and I probably won't find too many uses for them, but I like looking at them just the same.
Anyway there were ... drum roll... 186 buttons in that pile. No one guessed right but some of you got pretty close.
Below is a picture taken from the blog of one of the friends who commented on yesterday's blog. Your assignment? Find the finished object and make a comment on who it was. This will get you another entry in this weeks contest

Of course if you don't have a chance to go searching (But I hope you do, you all have such great blogs, my hope is everyone is reading them too and not just me) No problem. Any comment will get you an entry as usual. So search if you can and if not then just say HI.
As in previous weeks there are no contest assignments over the weekend, just gab and more gab from me about my week, and what I've been up to. But if you come by and make a comment I will add those comments in the drawing for this weeks prize. So I hope to see you all Saturday and Sunday.
Have a wonderful Friday and exercise those arms while you knit/crochet. LOL
That is a cute little change purse from Danielle's blog.
Wow, you got a lot of cleaning done yesterday! I need to borrow that helper...she's good!
Hope you have a great weekend...relax and working!
It is on this blog: .
well others have found it...danielle...but it was fun to take the time to go look at everyone else's blog! Great idea!
Yup, it's been located! Wow, that was a lot of buttons for the pile! What a good feeling to clear your house of so much "stuff!" Sigh, it is only my thursday and it has been the LONGEST weekever! I need a real vacation where i just stay at home.
Hey, Danielle, beautiful work!
Almond joys? What almond joys?
GrannyDani(aka Danielle)! :D I think I like the hunts on Fridays the best! It's the perfect excuse to check out new (to me) blogs and get even more ideas of things to add to my ever growing list! LOL
Danielle's blog is the location of this really pretty change purse. My favorite though are the sunflowers! Totally awesome.
Ok I am late as usual this week........BUT I did not peek and went searching all by is from GrannyDani's blog...and I just love it....what a great change purse..(Brooke would steal it from me)
I do the same get rid of loads of why in the world is this small ass apartment still so darn cluttered.....Could it be all my craft stuff and the kids toys....BUT I have even gotten rid of some of both....I think I just need a bigger house with a "STUFF" room.....
Hope you have a great and relaxing weekend........BIG HUGS........
I don't know but it is adorable!
That's Danielle's very pretty change purse. I would love to get rid of 15 bags of garbage! Maybe we should have a contest! LOL
You sure were busy! I hope you get to rest through the weekend.
Wow, that is A LOT of buttons!
Hey I have a suggestion for a future contest-y-poo on your Summer Contest!
Check out what she did! Cute idea! Use the mosaic maker with Flickr and it'd be super simple :)
Adorable purse from Danieele at
Good for you getting organized. We need to do some of that here..never enough time....
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