Oh it's so sad when parents of children can't get along civilly. It's always the child who suffers. It's so sad there are so many children out there who don't have the opportunity of growing up in a home with a mother and a father. Children having children, the cycle is never ending.
Adam unfortunately is one of those statistics. My sweet, handsome, polite, funny, wonderful, amazing, super smart, precious grandson.
His mother (A) and my son just can't seem to get along. Court hearings are scheduled again, let's hit it where it hurts. They want more money. For Adam, no he lacks nothing, we make sure of that. For themselves, maybe, but more to hurt my son. A is getting married next month and makes sure we all know she thinks her new guy is more of a dad to Adam then my son. I disagree, Adam loves his daddy.
This could lead to my son seeking full custody (he lives here half a year anyway) and A is not happy about that. This means she may not let him come here like he does now. Let's punish Adam, it's just awful. He isn't coming this weekend, they say he is sick. I don't know if I believe them, they have had no problem sending Adam here sick in the past.
This video was taken last week, he had so much fun free falling. It starts out dark, but then I turn on the light. I was looking forward to more videos this weekend.
Ok that's off my chest. If you are a praying person, court is July 30th. Thanks.
Now onto other stuff...
Monday I saw the dietitian at the surgeons office and she was please to see I have lost 13 pounds since I started the surgery process. She liked that I was still following Weight Watchers Core plan and that I have started changing my eating habits, smaller bites, chewing longer, drinking slower etc. She also said it is possible for me to have a hysterectomy done at the same time if my OBGYN is in agreement, this would be an answer to prayer.
Tuesday I had the mammogram and ECHO done
Wednesday water therapy... but by them the flu was attacking me full force. I also needed IRON due to the never ending TOM. But praise God no transfusion, we caught it in time.
Thursday I was able to de-clutter several things from my house and it was so good. Such a relief. I still have more to do but just this is a weight off my shoulders.
Friday I rested most of the day but I did test knit the dishcloth I designed for the Breast Cancer calendar for 2009. I can't wait to see all the other new designs being donated. Not sure if I am allowed to post a picture of it yet, so you might have to wait until January to see it.
Today (Saturday) I slept in until 9am. And I feel much better. I have been working on this blog post since Noon and it's already 2pm. Got sidetracked by several phone calls mostly from A and this court stuff. My eyes are sore and swollen from crying, almost feels like a sunburn. Just a bad situation all around. Adam heard me on the phone and came on and said he wanted to come see me, he started crying cause they said he was sick and couldn't come. He said "I feel better, I go see Nana now?" Maybe I can get him Wednesday after water therapy. I really miss him. Guess until then I'll just have to keep watching this video.
Tomorrow I'll post some pictures of finished projects and stuff.
Thanks for hanging in there through this run down of my week.
Remember comments will still get you an entry in this weeks prize of two patterns from Harvest Moon.
See you all tomorrow.
Mat 18:5 And whoso shall receive one such little
child in my name receiveth me.