YES IT'S FINALLY HERE and I was so blessed. I can't wait to tell you all about it. It arrived Saturday afternoon, priority mail. I however didn't open it right away as I wanted to wait for Shelly to enjoy it with me since she didn't do it. I wanted to share the excitement. Shelly was supposed to be out of town for the weekend so I was going to wait until Sunday night or Monday morning. I know... how could I possibly manage to wait??? What strength I must have. Hahahahahaha. Well after Adam went home I noticed that someone from her household was playing games on the computer, you know what that means??? They were HOME after all. I grabbed the phone and dialed and together we opened the box.
The first item I saw was a card. Now I have to go into detail about this card, it's awesome. Handmade, with lot's of PINK in it. It is of two thin beautiful women sitting at a table enjoying a drink, perhaps cocoa???, after a shopping trip no doubt at the Local Yarn Shop. I hope you can see it in the picture, it's 3Dish and just incredible. I would have been happy to just have received the card and nothing else.
Next I opened the Vanilla Bean Marshmallows, I have never seen gourmet marshmallows this will be a real treat. Did you know there is NO FAT in a marshmallow???
The next thing I unwrapped was my blah buster buddy, it's a sheep. Knitting something in pink yarn, how perfect is that? I LOVE those Serta sheep and this is just like them, I love her. I named her BeeBee short for Blah Buster, she is watching me type right now.

Next was a small package that had three stitch markers in it, brown beads and a cup of cocoa on the end, I loved them, and then a small blue tin (I love the tin too, I love little trinket holders like that) with 2 sheep stitch markers inside.

Next I opened the can of raspberry flavored hot chocolate. I can't wait to have my first mug tonight as my bedtime snack with a few of those fat free marshmallows of course.
Let's see what was next??? I should have written them down as I went, but I was so excited. Oh yes, I found the Sugar and Creme cotton extra large size balls, one in Hot Pink and one in Potpourri. I love cotton and these colors are perfect. Just perfect.
Amazingly after all these awesome things there still was MORE. I know, I couldn't believe it either. Russel Stover sugar free pecan caramel candies. This was a God send for sure especially after those 9 weeks of TOM I just endured. I love chocolate and nuts and caramel and well it's not weight loss friendly, unless it's these specific candies. I am trying to only eat one or two a day to save them because who knows when I'll get more. Oh they are so good.
Then, well I happened upon the softest prettiest skein of yarn, it's Trekking XXL color #134, it reminds me of rainbow sherbet. I am going to have the prettiest pair of socks when I figure out how to make them again, LOL.
The set of size 3 double pointed needles (which I did not have any double points so this is exciting)from Clover and Bamboo were also in the box. As well as a pattern for a pair of socks that I can't wait to try.
The last thing I opened was a handmade knitting needle holder that she made for me. It's stunning and something I never would have even thought I would have needed but now know I can't live without.
And here is a picture of the complete un-wrapped package.

This was really fun and really did chase away the blah's I was feeling yesterday because of Adam. I even started practicing the sock pattern, frogged it once but I am determined to get it going this week. I'll be keeping you posted.
MARIA for being a wonderful partner, you really made my first official swap a great experience and I look forward to being able to do one again someday. Hey maybe I'll even host a swap sometime, hmmm... maybe a Spring swap? Who knows. I am definitely hooked.
Oh I almost forgot, I added to my side bar a not about Sue's special birthday mission, if you haven't checked it out, please go over there. Together we can change the world is her theme.
I guess that's about all for now. This was a lot to read I am sure. See everyone tomorrow.
I pray you are all blessed today with sunshine in your life regardless of the weather outside, with hugs and kisses from those you love and peace that surpasses all understanding.
God Bless
Phl 4:7 | And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. |