Sunday, July 10, 2011

Day Twenty Four of Super Summer 2011

Day Twenty Four of Super Summer 2011

Yay Mike made it to church today and Adam was in his glory. Adam has a memory like an elephant and he remembers that Mike plays with him after church. Sometimes he flies Adam around like he is an airplane and sometime Adam is a wheel-barrel and sometimes he just listens to him and checks out the cool toys Adam has brought to play with. 
After church we stopped to check on Dayna and make sure she was OK and then we stopped at Old MacDonalds for a happy meal and a small vanilla ice cream cone. He NEEDED the ice cream cause he was so sweaty from playing with Mike after church.

Papa was gone for the afternoon so Adam and I played on the Wii and watched some Veggie Tales until he came home.

These days sure are flying by fast. I hope we can fill in some super fun summer stuff in before it ends. Who knows, maybe tomorrow...

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