Saturday, July 2, 2011

Day Sixteen of Super Summer 2011

Day Sixteen of Super Summer 2011

It's been a few days since Adam has talked to his mom or brother. I've tried calling a few times but we keep missing them. Adam sent out a cute message on Facebook today. it's so funny to hear how he pronounces New York, he means to say it right but it keeps coming out as You Nork. I eventually correct him but I like to hear it a few times just the same.

Adam woke up with a smile as he usually does. Gave Nana and Papa hugs ans said "Can I play on the Wii?" I think that Super Mario Brothers theme is embedded in my head for life. Adam really wants me or Papa to play with him cause he want's to be a different character and apparently that requires there being more than one player. Maybe next week, I am so NOT good on these video type games.

Breakfast today was Peanut Butter Toast and watermelon. By 11:30 Adam was ready to head to "dads". Not sure exactly what they do there but I know it usually involves the dog simon, and the cat and play station 2 Indiana Jones Lego time. But today I sent over the super duper powerful machine battery operated bubble gun. It was a HOT day and perfect to get out of the house and play in the park. By 5pm he was ready to come back to Nana's central air cooled apartment. :-) I was glad I was kind of lonely here all by myself.

After dinner Adam decided to play a little on the computer, he and curious george had important things to take care of. And there was the puffy fish and the hot air balloon adventure too. He was quick to give me a thumbs up to tell me about all the points he was  building up. His reward was a dish of delicious ice cream :-)

Soon it's shower time and bed time tomorrow is church day. My first day venturing out after home from the hospital.

See you all on the flip side.

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