Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Day Forty One of Super Summer 2011

Day Forty One of Super Summer 2011

Today we had a play date with Allie and Estelle. Adam and Allie played well together for almost three hours. They played some Mario Brothers and some Lego Batman on the Wii, they played Checkers, and Go Fish, they played hide and seek and there was a lot of laughter.

Estelle and I made hula hoops while they were playing. We had fun too.

They brought Adam a collection of toys and games to have. He is thrilled with the Erector Set, it's a bunch of screws and nuts and metal pieces that you have to put together with allen wrenches and stuff I know nothing about. I think this is a toy perhaps Papa is going to have to be in charge of. I on the other hand will enjoy playing with the Pictionary Jr and Clue Jr games. Those are more my style.

Lunch was McDonalds chicken nuggets, I swear if Adam could choose he would eat this meal every day of is life.

Adams favorite song is Sic em on a chicken... so tonight I made a Chicken Pot Pie for dinner. I thought Adam would be all excited. Not so much. I got him to take a bite but that was all. He said it smelled delicious but he really didn't want to eat it. Then he starts touching his head. Whenever there is something he doesn't want to do or eat he suddenly has a "headache". Haha he would make a good wife, not tonight dear, I have a headache. LOL

About 7pm he suddenly HAD to go and see his dad. So Papa drove him over for a couple hours. He should be home soon, I said no later than 10pm because I had to go to bed.

Hopefully tomorrows plans are still in force. I haven't heard from Uncle Marty yet, but he is supposed to take Adam sometime tomorrow. He is really excited about that. I hope it still happens.

I guess I'll sign off for now and get ready for bed, Adam  be here soon. Good Night.

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