Sunday, July 24, 2011

Day Thirty Eight of Super Summer 2011

Day Thirty Eight of Super Summer 2011

Now look at that face on that goat... he is definitely up to something. Tonight we had seats right on the side of the stage where Adam was when he came out as the goat. It was hard to get a picture though from my phone but I tried. I did get a short video though of Adam on stage singing one of the songs. I had to zoom in so all the faces can't really be seen, they look digital like, but Adam is in the front row I think the 5th kid in from the right side of the screen.
The play really was cute. It is a take on Back To The Future with a Christmas theme about getting Back To The Manger. I hope Adam is able to participate again next summer when he comes to stay with us. I saw a video made earlier in the week where they were teaching the kids the songs and the movements and Adam was so confused, he just stood there watching everyone else, but to see him now in the actual performance actually doing the moves it was just great. He was so excited that he remembered the moves and the songs too. As a reward for his great job he got a Lightning McQueen balloon and ice cream with sprinkles.

So Hiz Kidz is over and I have Adam back during the day. This means I will get to play Super Mario on the Wii and watch more Veggie Tales and who knows what else. I am actually HAPPY about it. I sure missed him all last week.
Adam says good night people...

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