Saturday, July 30, 2011

Day Forty Four of Super Summer 2011

Day Forty Four of Super Summer 2011

I am not sure if you can see it but Adam was doing so good on his computer games I told him he deserved a medal. So I printed one off the computer and he HAD to draw a pirate skeleton on the medal. It is the cutest thing I ever saw. So I cut out the medal and some cardboard to strengthen it, wrapped it in clear tape and attached a red shoelace to hang it around his neck. Adam decided I am a genius. LOL I had a picture of the medal close up but I had to get a new phone today and that photo wasn't saved on the laptop yet. 

Adam went to his dad's again for the day today. So papa and I went to an early dinner and used a gift certificate we had that was about to expire, then got some groceries. Adam is a HUNGRY boy. I can't believe how much he eats.

Becca came and got him this evening and brought Adam to her house for a sleep over. She and her family were having a backyard BBQ and a fire with smores and everything. Looks like Adam is having a good time.
That is a smore in his mouth right? Not a frog or something?

I got Adam a new shirt today at WalMart, I am sure it will make it to a picture on tomorrows blog as he is going to wear it to church tomorrow and the birthday party we are going to after.

It seems weird going to bed without having to tuck Adam in. So I am pretending by blogging right now I am kissing his head and squeezing him tight.

Good night to everyone else too.

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