I figured I'd start off with the FOGGING part of Friday.

This is a pair of socks I started, oh I don't know well over a year ago. I didn't really like the yarn color that much so I shoved them in a bag and hid them in my closet. Yeah I know...But I found them this week and thought the color isn't too bad, I think it's just not the right pattern for them, so I frogged them and I will search for another pattern and try again. The OnLine sock yarn was bought on sale so it's really good yarn for me to practice with, right?
Being that it's Friday the Thirteenth I thought I'd just do a little survey...
Are you supersticious? Do you throw salt over your shoulder? Say White Rabbit on the first of the month? Avoid ladders and black cats? There are a ton of them? If you do tell me about it in the comment section and receive another entry in thsi months contest. Even if you aren't supersticious a comment of any kind will still get you in.
As for me... well I am NOT supersticious. In fact I always say since I am a child of God I a not of this world, I just live here, and if the world is afraid of Friday the 13th then it's a GOOD day for me.
That said though...my car died today right in the middle of one of the busiest roads in Albany, at 5PM, yeah RUSH HOUR traffic. It had to be towed, my mom has AAA but couldn't help me, I had no way to get there to pick my son up (he had borrowed the car), my sister and other son were still working... yeah it was a bad luck situation and very frustrating. Do I now believe the 13th is cursed??? What do you think?
And finally

My cocoa swap package was just the best. My secret partner was
Mary Lynn, already a friend of mine and I have to admit I had NO clue it was her. She was so awesome taking head to my unusual circumstances because of my recent WLS and just went above and beyond what I would have hoped to receive.
My goodies came in three shipments. It was tough at first I decided NOT to open them until they were all received it worked until package #2 came and I opened it before I realized. Oh well, now I had to open the first, and then a couple days ago #3 finally arrived.
Package #1 was YARN. Two wonderful, beautiful, much desired yarn. One was Socks that Rock in the colorway "Deck the Halls" it's pink, and purple and rusty orange and I LOVE it. The second yarn was from Cherry Blossom Fibers in the colorway "Beach House", also with PINK in it and a variety of other colors. I can not wait to use these up. They are in hanks so I'll have to be careful. Don't want any more spaghetti yarn incidents. LOL
Package #2 came in the tin that says Yarn Snob on it and inside are these coolest circles of stitch markers in assorted sizes. They remind me of candy, and I have never seen these before. What a find, Mary Lynn, I love them too.
Then the final package #3 arrived. Inside this was some sugar free hot cocoa (the only kind I can drink) some green tea and four different Tazo brand envelopes of herbal tea. I have had these before and I LOVE them. Very flavorful. Also included are some equal sugar packets, they can always come in handy. Some yarn was in this package too... it has pinks and browns and rusty colors in it as well, and she rolled these into balls for me, see Mary Lynn reads my blog and KNOWS I am hank challenged. LOL. It's 100% virgin wool and custom hand painted from Koigu Designs. I think there is enough for socks here, but if not I'll find something else to make with it. So soft. There was also an Altoid tin but inside was this great pair of scissors, they look so fancy and can I just say I lost my mini scissors a month ago, I've been using a nail clipper to cut my yarn so these were so needed. LOL. A needle row counter, a darning needle, a stitch holder and come more stitch markers. Man I am set for life here. And last the Blah Buster Buddy... it's not an animal... Mary Lynn always astute knows my real passion is BAGS. I love bags and I especially love felted bags. So instead of an animal she made me a mini felted bag. And attached to it with a small stitch holder is a mini knitted mitten. OMG it's adorable.
I am sure my pictures don't do all these wonderful gifts justice but I have to say I was blessed. This Cocoa Swap is my favorite swap. Thanks Michelle and Holly too for continuing this tradition and thank you Mary Lynn for being a great swap partner.
That said, I am calling it a night. You all have a wonderful evening and sweet dreams.