Good Bye to 2008, and welcome to 2009. This has been a year of changes and growth and loss. A time of learning and a time of teaching. A year of giving and a year of receiving. There were friends made and friends lost. There were tears of joy and tears of sorrow. There were surprises and gifts and shocking events. But through it all one thing remained constant. One thing NEVER changed. God's LOVE is still here. His grace is forever evident, His mercy is endless. NO matter what has happened in 2008 I KNOW God has me in the palm of His hand and I count it all for good.
Time to brag about what you did right in 2008. There are three prizes to choose from.
Also I have added contest info on the sidebar again, looks like January is going to bring in a few new conests.
This is leading me to consider holding my contests on the days that DON'T have 31 days this time around. You know change it up a little.
So my contests will run February, April, June, September and November in 2009. So mark your calendars and don't forget to come and play.
This doesn't mean I won't occasionally have a surprise contest maybe for a day or something, so you never know.
Golly Gee it's cold here. What a way to end the year. Burrrrrrr. I think maybe I will make a bed inside the oven or on top of the wood stove. I think my fingers are blue, LOL.
Not sure if I'll make it to the midnight hour, so I am here to say goodnight and wish you all a Happy New Year.
Sweet Dreams