Friday, July 10, 2009

Thursday- Rainbows and Toads?

On the drive from Arizona to California there was another monsoon storm, but shortly after the storm we saw the rainbow. I love rainbowsAnd this lovely (not) creature was what greeted me when I woke up this morning. Scared the balloons out of me. I left it sitting there snd went back in my room. By the time the rest of the house woke up the toad was gone. We have no idea where. I am just glad I won't be waking up there tomorrow to find out, LOL.
Friday I plan on hanging around in my nightgown all day and resting. It's late it was a long drive, so off to bed I go. Have a great night and sweet dreams.

ps: this for some reason didn't publish last night so I am trying again now. A Friday blog will follow shortly.

1 comment:

Libby's Library said...

Tell us what movies you watched/

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