© Kathleen Brundige May 25, 2009
Well there is the newest dishcloth design I have made. I was never really a fan of the grandma's favorite, but they are starting to grow on me a little now. I wanted to change it up a little and this was what I wound up with. I really struggled with the writing of the pattern, I could knit from my graph OK but reading the graph to write the pattern out, that was hard.
I have added the pattern to my pattern blog as well as on Ravelry. Of course the pattern is FREE so feel free to make one up if you like.
I wore a new dress to church today. I think it's the dress I want to wear to the wedding in CA. It's a mint green color and silky and light and I LOVE it. Problem?? Yeah there is a problem... it's too BIG. I have NEVER worn this dress. It was in my closet and still had the tags on it. I proably bought it 8 years ago or longer. I am going to have one of the ladies in my church help me take it in. She used to be a seamstress and offered to help with a couple of my dresses that seem to be stretched out even without me wearing them. Go figure.
Got a busy day ahead Monday and Tuesday. So I better get to bed now while I can. Hope you had a wonderful weekend and a great night of sleep, sweet dreams everyone.
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Sunday- So What Do You Think?
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Saturday- Say Did You See This Contest?

You need to go to Vanessa's blog for the details.
Adam and I hung around most of the day and then at about 5:30 we headed to Old MacDonalds for dinner and playtime. We were there until almost 9PM. He had a blast. I got in a little reading but no knitting this time.
Tomorrow is church and the Dover car race, hopefully I can do a little knititng tomorrow.
I'll be showing off the new pattern Sunday as well.
Feeling a little better today not quite as tired as yesterday. Still going to have the Dr discuss it with me next week though.
Gonna blog now, and get ready for bed. Sweet dreams everyone.
Friday, May 29, 2009
Friday- Sleep... Is It Friend Or Foe?
I can't seem to explain this exhaustion I am feeling these days. I don't know if I have done too much and just wore myself out, or if it's a reaction from not using the oxygen since before Easter, or maybe I am just not eating and drinking enough? Maybe my guardian angels fell asleep on the job too, and I caught it from them. LOL

I saw the Nutritionist yesterday for my 6th month check up. She was pleased. I have lost 67% of my excess weight since surgery. They drew a ton of blood again, maybe 12 vials, that could be another reason I am so sleepy. But it wouldn't explain the previous days. I meet with the surgeon in 2 weeks as well.
I started posting lines for my new dishcloth on the Yahoo group, and I goofed up the instructions and by day 2 I had everyone all confused. I feel so bad, they all had to start over. Sunday I'll post the rest of the lines for them so I can show you all the pattern too. Until the here's a sneak peek of the two samples I knitted.

So can you tell what it is?
I guess that's about it for me. Still welcoming suggestions for the contest next month. Have a great night everyone, sweet dreams. I promise I'll be back and reading your blogs again soon. I miss them so much.

I saw the Nutritionist yesterday for my 6th month check up. She was pleased. I have lost 67% of my excess weight since surgery. They drew a ton of blood again, maybe 12 vials, that could be another reason I am so sleepy. But it wouldn't explain the previous days. I meet with the surgeon in 2 weeks as well.
I started posting lines for my new dishcloth on the Yahoo group, and I goofed up the instructions and by day 2 I had everyone all confused. I feel so bad, they all had to start over. Sunday I'll post the rest of the lines for them so I can show you all the pattern too. Until the here's a sneak peek of the two samples I knitted.
So can you tell what it is?
I guess that's about it for me. Still welcoming suggestions for the contest next month. Have a great night everyone, sweet dreams. I promise I'll be back and reading your blogs again soon. I miss them so much.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Thursday- Meet My Friends
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Wednesday- Well What Do you Know? It Worked!
I never got to blogging today, or knitting.
I did make it to church, that's something right?
I babysat for my sister for a couple hours so she didn;t have to take 5 kids with her.
Now I am going to bed, tomorrow is busy but I hope to get a little blog time in.
I am supposed to have another contest starting June 1st.
Any requests?
Good night all, and sweet dreams.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Tuesday- Too Tired To Type Tonight
Monday, May 25, 2009
Monday- Making Memories with Milkers?
Phat Fiber is having another contest this week, it ends on Friday. The prize is some sock yarn. Get on over there and enter, you might just win.
Well Saturday after we left the park with Adam we stopped at a farm just down the road, they sell homemade ice cream and they have the cows penned right near the shop so the kids can see the cows. I have promised Adam we would stop to see these cows three times, so Saturday I kept the promise. We got out of the car and walked to the pen and NO COWS? We asked the girl behind the window and she thought they were there but maybe because rain was approaching maybe they went into the barn. Adam was crushed. I felt so bad. So I got them the ice cream and we sat at the table in front of the pen and ate. The rain started falling so we got in the car and as we started to drive away we heard a cow moo. We figured it was from the barn because we were facing the pen the whole time. We pulled onto the road and I glanced over and the COWS were there. Now someone tell me how 4 cows can get into a pen right in front of our eyes and we DO NOT notice? I don't know how but I convinced Papa to turn around and take us back and Adam and I got out and went to see the cows. I hope they have farms around SC so he can see more animals because he just loved these cows.
And for a bonus there is a short video of the cows and Adam. If you listen over my yapping voice you can even hear the cow Moo at Adam. But alas Blogger won't lt me upload it. I've been trying for an hour at least. Maybe tomorrow.
For now I am going to sign off before I start to swear, and not act very Christian like. Good night all, sweet dreams.
Phat Fiber is having another contest this week, it ends on Friday. The prize is some sock yarn. Get on over there and enter, you might just win.
Well Saturday after we left the park with Adam we stopped at a farm just down the road, they sell homemade ice cream and they have the cows penned right near the shop so the kids can see the cows. I have promised Adam we would stop to see these cows three times, so Saturday I kept the promise. We got out of the car and walked to the pen and NO COWS? We asked the girl behind the window and she thought they were there but maybe because rain was approaching maybe they went into the barn. Adam was crushed. I felt so bad. So I got them the ice cream and we sat at the table in front of the pen and ate. The rain started falling so we got in the car and as we started to drive away we heard a cow moo. We figured it was from the barn because we were facing the pen the whole time. We pulled onto the road and I glanced over and the COWS were there. Now someone tell me how 4 cows can get into a pen right in front of our eyes and we DO NOT notice? I don't know how but I convinced Papa to turn around and take us back and Adam and I got out and went to see the cows. I hope they have farms around SC so he can see more animals because he just loved these cows.

For now I am going to sign off before I start to swear, and not act very Christian like. Good night all, sweet dreams.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Sunday- Such Talent, I Have To Share

I did get to knit today, in fact I designed a new pattern for the KnitDishcloth Yahoo group. I am pretty happy with the final result, but I do need to tweak it just a little. Can't show the picture as it's the KAL for next week, but next weekend I'll show it off.
My message at church went OK I guess. Everyone said it was good, I think it was a little short but all in all I hope I got the message across. Tom (the pastor) recorded it for me, like he did my previous messgae, so I will be able to listen to it later and see what I think of it. Adam was so good, he played quietly by himself while I preached, can't ask for more from a four year old.
Bummed that the NASCAR race was rained out today, but it just gives us something to watch tomorrow, right?
Tomorrow I'll show you the trip we made to the ice cream stand and our visit with the cows. But until then I'll leave you with a quick video of Adam on the playground yesterday.
Have a great night, sweet dreams.
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Saturday- A-MAZE-ING Day
We had more fun after the park but I will save that for tomorrow. I didn't knit today but I BROUGHT yarn and needles to the park, I had high hopes. But there will be knitting tomorrow. I have some round cloths I WANT to get finished for Libby ASAP. Yes I have the yarn and am ready to knit for you, it won't be long now.
I have my message done for tomorrow. It's titled... Who Do You Say God's NOT?
It is sort of loosely based on a song we sing in church called "Who Do You Say I Am?" By Morningstar. I LOVE this song. Anyway, I hope it comes off as I hear it in my head, lol. I stress for no reason, because if I followed the words of my message I'd KNOW that God will give me the words when I need them and I have no reason to fear, right? RIGHT!
Well I best get some sleep so I can get up in time to shower and pray before church. Have a great night, sweet dreams.
Friday, May 22, 2009
Friday- But I'd swear it was Saturday
It has felt like a Saturday all day today. But I am glad it's not. I am so stressed about things I have to do and the time frame I have left to do them in, that if it was Saturday I am sure I'd be having a nervous breakdown by now and a sleepless night ahead of me.
Tomorrow I think we are going to take Adam to Walmart, he needs a new pair of sneakers, he somehow lost one, not here... he lost it at home, but he needs shoes. We also need a BBQ ours broke last year. And with me being gone for a month in July, my husband will starve without a grill. He knows how to cook meat on one of those, but golly give him a pan and a stove and I might as well be speaking in tongues when I tell him what to do, you know?
I knitted up the border that I never finished on that dishcloth I posted the other day. So here is a picture of the finished cloth and the graph of what the picture is supposed to look like.

It is supposed to be a rainbow with a cloud on either end. The yellow color has NOTHING to do with the pattern it was just the first ball of cotton I found when I was leavig to go work the polls. If I were to turn it in as the Breast Cancer design it would have been done in PINK. I do NOT think I am going to submit this one, I am just not confident in it for this project. But I will still probably post the pattern on my pattern blog and Ravelry at some point, unless of course you all tell me NO NO NO. I trust you and your HONEST opnions. So back to the drawing board, I need to get my design to the test knitter in like 2 weeks. Aye Carumba...
Well Adam is asleep and it's almost midnight so I think I'll follow his lead. Have a wonderful night and sweet dreams.
Tomorrow I think we are going to take Adam to Walmart, he needs a new pair of sneakers, he somehow lost one, not here... he lost it at home, but he needs shoes. We also need a BBQ ours broke last year. And with me being gone for a month in July, my husband will starve without a grill. He knows how to cook meat on one of those, but golly give him a pan and a stove and I might as well be speaking in tongues when I tell him what to do, you know?
I knitted up the border that I never finished on that dishcloth I posted the other day. So here is a picture of the finished cloth and the graph of what the picture is supposed to look like.

Well Adam is asleep and it's almost midnight so I think I'll follow his lead. Have a wonderful night and sweet dreams.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Thursday- No Picture, Just Words
Well it's 1AM and I am still awake, barely. The woman I moved and cleaned for all week, ended up in the emergency room tonight. She called me and needed a ride home so I just went and got her. When I got her home she asked if I could carry down a storage unit for her from her upstairs bedroom. Of course the darn thing fell apart into three pieces and a wheel fell off, but I eventually got it down stairs. And now I am home and blogging about it and hoping to get to bed soon.
My husband has the day off tomorrow, now we have no plans so I can only imagine how "under" my feet he is gonna be tomorrow. Actually I might see if he wants to go to Walmart or something, I need new yarn, and he wants to see the Terminator movie and the theater is in the same plaza so maybe Adam and I can see something else around the same time.
Weight wise I met one of my mini goals, 27 pounds to get to my next mini goal. I set them in small incraments to keep things moving along. I am hoping to reach the next mini goal by the time I leave for California. It's cutting it close but I am going to give it my best shot. I think because I should be able to swim more that will help move things along.
No knitting again today, I meant to but kept falling asleep. It's dangerous to play with DPN's when you fall asleep, you could poke an eye out or something. OUCH.
My son Jim was informed today that he is being promoted to Full Time finally, so that menas we will finally have medical and dental. We have been waiting a long time for this to happen, so it was a good day.
Guess that's all the updates from me I HAVE to go to sleep. maybe tomorrow I'll have something good to say. Thanks for sticking around anyway.
Good night all and sweet dreams.
My husband has the day off tomorrow, now we have no plans so I can only imagine how "under" my feet he is gonna be tomorrow. Actually I might see if he wants to go to Walmart or something, I need new yarn, and he wants to see the Terminator movie and the theater is in the same plaza so maybe Adam and I can see something else around the same time.
Weight wise I met one of my mini goals, 27 pounds to get to my next mini goal. I set them in small incraments to keep things moving along. I am hoping to reach the next mini goal by the time I leave for California. It's cutting it close but I am going to give it my best shot. I think because I should be able to swim more that will help move things along.
No knitting again today, I meant to but kept falling asleep. It's dangerous to play with DPN's when you fall asleep, you could poke an eye out or something. OUCH.
My son Jim was informed today that he is being promoted to Full Time finally, so that menas we will finally have medical and dental. We have been waiting a long time for this to happen, so it was a good day.
Guess that's all the updates from me I HAVE to go to sleep. maybe tomorrow I'll have something good to say. Thanks for sticking around anyway.
Good night all and sweet dreams.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Wednesday- Weariness Wins
Well I came home from church and watched Criminal Minds and then started watching American Idol, can you believe I fell asleep watching the finale? I am bummed. I just fast forwarded to the end and saw who won... I won't say anything just in case you haven't seen it yet.
I didn't do too much today, rested, watched some DVR'd stuff on TV and went to church. I didn't even make dinner, hubby went fishing, kids fended for themselves and I forgot to eat. (Stop yelling SHELLY, I know and I can hear you, but I FELL ASLEEP)
No knitting today, but for my NASCAR friends I thought I'd show you a picture of some street signs just down the street from my house.
And now I am going to go back to sleep. You all have a great night and sweet dreams.
I didn't do too much today, rested, watched some DVR'd stuff on TV and went to church. I didn't even make dinner, hubby went fishing, kids fended for themselves and I forgot to eat. (Stop yelling SHELLY, I know and I can hear you, but I FELL ASLEEP)
No knitting today, but for my NASCAR friends I thought I'd show you a picture of some street signs just down the street from my house.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Tuesday- Testing, Testing 1..2..3
The test??? Tell me what you think this is a picture of. The pattern part is finished all that's left to be knitted is the 4 border rows and the bind off.
I also need a name for this pattern so if you have any suggestions feel free to shout them out.
Good night, sweet dreams and all that stuff.
Monday, May 18, 2009
Monday- It's A Triple Play Day
Well hopefully this works and you will get a triple play of Adam for your viewing pleasure. If not you will get some boring quick post from me cause I am exhausted and my feet are killing me. But I hope to save that story for tomorrow, I bet you can't wait huh?
This video is Adam running like the wind. He insisted I record him running because he is SUPER FAST. This is his other grandma he is running to, he calls her Janmum.
This video is Adam riding his big wheel. You can hear his mom calling from the upstairs window reminding him NOT to go past the big tree. We had this big wheel in our garage but I knew he'd get more use out of it at home.
And finally the Race Car driver, look he is even driving around in a circle just like the NASCAR drivers. LOL. Hmm maybe since he is moving down to the South he might even become a race car driver someday.
Ok I am going to publish this and lay down and pray for sleep to over take me. I have literally been on my feet since 8am and they are screaming right now. I even took a Loritab, yeah I am that desperate.
Have a great night everyone, and sweet dreams whenever you get to bed.
This video is Adam running like the wind. He insisted I record him running because he is SUPER FAST. This is his other grandma he is running to, he calls her Janmum.
This video is Adam riding his big wheel. You can hear his mom calling from the upstairs window reminding him NOT to go past the big tree. We had this big wheel in our garage but I knew he'd get more use out of it at home.
And finally the Race Car driver, look he is even driving around in a circle just like the NASCAR drivers. LOL. Hmm maybe since he is moving down to the South he might even become a race car driver someday.
Ok I am going to publish this and lay down and pray for sleep to over take me. I have literally been on my feet since 8am and they are screaming right now. I even took a Loritab, yeah I am that desperate.
Have a great night everyone, and sweet dreams whenever you get to bed.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Sunday- Some Days...
I can't believe it's another day gone already and I am just getting here to blog. I have got to get a better routine. Someone remind me of this fact in a day or so if I haven't improved, OK?
So blogger won't let me upload the video of my super fast speed racer. So instead you can have a still picture of him riding his Big Wheel. Notice his spiffy new hair cut?
Church was good today as usual. After I came home and my husband decided he wanted to go out for dinner. I'd have liked to go to Olive Garden or someplace where I would be served, but he loves his all you can eat buffets. He had his mind set on sushi (yuck) so we went to King's Buffet, it's an American/Chinese all you can eat place. Unfortunately I had a little trouble with my food agreeing with me, so I paid $13 and ended up eating green beans and some fresh fruit, lol. Oh well at least I didn't have to cook or wash the dishes right? I did get a little protein in though, two bites of shrimp and some imitation crab meat, a tiny meatball, a bite of turkey and a bite of roast beef and the meat inside a dumpling. LOL. Gosh it sounds like a lot but they were all tiny pieces.
Adam is coming tomorrow off the bus, his mom has a Dr appt. So that makes up for the going home a day early over the weekend.
I should also finish cleaning that apartment by tomorrow night if all goes as planned. Then Tuesday is school board elections and I volunteer to work the polls from 11:30 to 9:30. After that the week is mostly mine. I hope that means I can get to the Y to swim at least three days this coming week.
Well I am going to publish this and get my rear to bed. As usual I am exhausted. Good night everyone and sweet dreams.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Saturday- Silly Me

So there it is, the finished sock... of course it's only one I still have to make sock two and make it look exactly like sock one. Yeah I can do that... ahem.
I figured out how to make a PDF file today. I have had people ask me for my patterns in PDF format. So now I can get the patterns on a PDF but don't know how to give the access to the PDF yet. LOL. Maybe I'll work on that tomorrow, in between starting sock two.
Adam went home today instead of tomorrow. I hate to let him go a day early especially knowing it won't be long before he is not here anymore. But when he asks to go home because his momma misses him, I have to do what he asks. I have a short video to blog of Adam too, but I guess that will have to wait until tomorrow.
I am exhausted and am going to bed. Hope you are all already sleeping and enjoying those sweet dreams.
Friday, May 15, 2009
Friday- Fun Fun Fun Until My Daddy Took The...
It was a long day. Court went very good. Judge like our arrangements and approved everything.
I wish I could type more but I am so so so tired. Tomorrow I'll try to blog earlier. Good night all and sweet dreams
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Thursday- Thank You
First I want to thank Jan for this wonderful surprise gift. She sent it because I am a follwer on her blog. She is an artist and a knitter if you haven't checked out her blog yet here's the link.
I also want to thank all of you for the kind words about the situation with Adam leaving and for all the support you all provide. Yes it will be hard but we will make the best of it. Adam will be spending 8 weeks in the summer with us and 2 weeks at Christmas. It's not the three days a week we have now but it's still a good start. We have asked his mom to maintain Internet connection and to get a web cam so we can see each other daily if we need to. Tomorrow we go before the judge to see if he also approves the terms we all agreed on in mediation.
I did get to the apartment today and washed some walls and doors and ceilings. I will go back on Saturday to help her move a few things to her new apartment and to hopefully wash the rest of the walls. Then Monday or Tuesday next week, I'll finish washing whatever I couldn't on Saturday and clean the windows and wash the floors and she's all done. This was a job for sure and I'll be glad when it's all said and done.
Support group was good tonight we had a protein tasting session after where we sampled protein drinks and bars and puddings etc.
I made a crustless quiche for dinner tonight, it turned out pretty good. I haven't made this since before surgery so it was a treat.
Still pretty tired so I think I'll stop here. Have a great night and I'll be back tomorrow to let you know how court goes. Sweet dreams.
I did get to the apartment today and washed some walls and doors and ceilings. I will go back on Saturday to help her move a few things to her new apartment and to hopefully wash the rest of the walls. Then Monday or Tuesday next week, I'll finish washing whatever I couldn't on Saturday and clean the windows and wash the floors and she's all done. This was a job for sure and I'll be glad when it's all said and done.
Support group was good tonight we had a protein tasting session after where we sampled protein drinks and bars and puddings etc.
I made a crustless quiche for dinner tonight, it turned out pretty good. I haven't made this since before surgery so it was a treat.
Still pretty tired so I think I'll stop here. Have a great night and I'll be back tomorrow to let you know how court goes. Sweet dreams.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Wednesday- Was that a Walk-a-bout?
Today I sort of had a walk-a-bout I was out and about all day AGAIN. The day started when we left the house to go to mediation. Joe, Angie and I met with three mediators to discuss the issues involved with Angie movie to South Carolina and taking Adam with her.
I haven't blogged about this, I guess I was hoping if I didn't mention it out loud maybe it wouldn't really happen. I am crushed. As you all know Adam is just the moon and stars around here. He has stayed with me for at least three days and nights every week since he was born. Now he is going to be

Adam will be staying with us for 2 weeks at Christmas and 8 weeks in the Summer and we can go down to see him anytime.
The really hard part... they will be leaving the end of July or the first week in August and I am going to be in California for the whole month of July. Out last month to see him and I am not going to be here. I tell you it's very hard, but I can't cancel my trip I can just hope to see him extra in June and the last week before they move away.
Back to the day, I was basically out from noon to 9pm. Not even a chance to stop to eat. And here it is almost midnight and I am barely awake. I do miss blogging and chatting and reading your blogs. I promise I will get back as soon as I can.
Have a great night everyone, sweet dreams.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Tuesday- There's a Bear in the Tree
I've been so so busy, just No time to talk or type about life these days, so I thought I'd show you a picture of the BEAR that lives in our tree in the driveway.
Hopefully soon I'll be able to post more and update you all on what's been happening.
Until then my apologies for NOT getting to your blogs to say HI, I hope to catch up soon, I miss you all.
Have a great night, it's late and I am sure you are all asleep by now. I hope to be soon as well. Sweet dreams my friends.
Monday, May 11, 2009
Monday- Sleep typing
I fell asleep trying to blog. All I can say is I am tired and I can't do more then this.
I'll blog earlier tomorrow.
Good night and sweet dreams
I'll blog earlier tomorrow.
Good night and sweet dreams
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Saturday- NASCAR or NOGGIN?
Mothers Day Photo at Mother/Daughter Luncheon May 2009
Mothers Day photo at Mother/Daughter Luncheon May 2008
Sorry this photo is so small but the only copy I had saved anywhere was on facebook and this is the size they save pictures as on there. Frustrating, but it is what it is, right?
My mom read a poem at the luncheon today, and well I was SHOCKED when she said she didn't take the suggestions the Pastor's wife sent her, instead she read one of the poems I wrote for her on Mothers Day back in 2004. My sisters had a field day saying how they were being tortured by yet another of my poems. I have been writing them and making them read them all our lives, LOL.
The food was good. I couldn't eat a lot of it. They had some boneless chicken, I could eat that. Red potato chunks and cooked carrots, I ate a little of that too. I skipped the macaroni salad and potato salads. I tried a spoonful of some cold bean dish, it had tiny chunks of celery in it and onions and peppers. They had slow cooked fruit salad and 4 different kinds of mini muffins, I skipped those too. Oh and they served us all cold Strawberry Soup. It was like a Strawberry Smoothie you ate with a spoon. I had some of that but I was careful as I was afraid it might have had sugar in it. There were 8 different desserts too, the chocolate covered cheesecake squares looked awesome. But I just looked. It was a nice time.
I didn't work on the socks today, but I did work on a new dishcloth design and I am knitting it up now to test it. Good thing I did cause I had the pattern written backwards, oops. I'll share it sometime next week, I am going to use it as the KAL starting Monday on the Yahoo group I am on. Also working on a new design for the 2010 Breast Cancer Dishcloth Calendar, I have a couple thoughts still trying to work them out on paper though.
Adam went home this afternoon, he says he missed his Mom. I think he is afraid she might have the baby and he will miss it. So I am Adam free tonight and can watch NASCAR instead of NOGGIN, lol. Drove him home in a massive thunderstorm though, could barely see the road. We had to run to the garage and we got wet!!
Well I am going to publish this, finish watching the race and hopefully finish the dishcloth too. have a great night, sweet dreams everyone.

My mom read a poem at the luncheon today, and well I was SHOCKED when she said she didn't take the suggestions the Pastor's wife sent her, instead she read one of the poems I wrote for her on Mothers Day back in 2004. My sisters had a field day saying how they were being tortured by yet another of my poems. I have been writing them and making them read them all our lives, LOL.
The food was good. I couldn't eat a lot of it. They had some boneless chicken, I could eat that. Red potato chunks and cooked carrots, I ate a little of that too. I skipped the macaroni salad and potato salads. I tried a spoonful of some cold bean dish, it had tiny chunks of celery in it and onions and peppers. They had slow cooked fruit salad and 4 different kinds of mini muffins, I skipped those too. Oh and they served us all cold Strawberry Soup. It was like a Strawberry Smoothie you ate with a spoon. I had some of that but I was careful as I was afraid it might have had sugar in it. There were 8 different desserts too, the chocolate covered cheesecake squares looked awesome. But I just looked. It was a nice time.
I didn't work on the socks today, but I did work on a new dishcloth design and I am knitting it up now to test it. Good thing I did cause I had the pattern written backwards, oops. I'll share it sometime next week, I am going to use it as the KAL starting Monday on the Yahoo group I am on. Also working on a new design for the 2010 Breast Cancer Dishcloth Calendar, I have a couple thoughts still trying to work them out on paper though.
Adam went home this afternoon, he says he missed his Mom. I think he is afraid she might have the baby and he will miss it. So I am Adam free tonight and can watch NASCAR instead of NOGGIN, lol. Drove him home in a massive thunderstorm though, could barely see the road. We had to run to the garage and we got wet!!
Well I am going to publish this, finish watching the race and hopefully finish the dishcloth too. have a great night, sweet dreams everyone.
Friday, May 8, 2009
Friday- Faint, Fit and Finally
I swear I didn't work as much when I worked 4 jobs at once. I was out of the house today at 8am and didn't sit to relax until 8pm.
I even went to my sons art exibition tonight. I think I had to walk 2 miles around the SUNY campus but it's the first time I have ever made it to one of his shows. Here is a picture of some of the art we saw there, this is NOT my sons work...
Tomorrow is another fun packed day but thankfully not as busy as today, I hope.
Time for bed, hope you are also asleep. Sweet dreams everyone.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Thursday- MMM Chocolate
So I decided to go to the POOL today. Yep my afternoon plans got canceled and I finished running around this morning in time to swim. So I put on my NEW bathing suit, the one I bought off the rack at Walmarts, grabbed my gym bag and headed out the door. Well I remembered I didn;t have my lock anymore for the locker, my son borrowed it and lost it. So I stopped at the drug store on the way and bought a new one... while there these items just somehow jumped in my hands as well.
Russel Stover Sugar Free Chocolate Covered Almonds
Russel Stover Sugar Free Miniature Dark Chocolate Mini's
Russel Stover Sugar Free Pecan Delights
Russel Stover Whitman Sugar Free Sampler
Now in my defense most of these chocolates are for my mom for Mother's Day. She does not eat sugar either. But I did get a bag of the chocolate covered almonds for me and a bag of the dark chocolate mini's. I have not had chocolate candy since surgery so wasn't sure if they would bother me or not. So I tried some today and it was OK. I know I have to be careful about these items though, sugar free or not they still have calories and can cause problems with weight loss, but when I feel like a little chocolate break I have something to turn to. I plan on keeping them in the freezer to stay fresh and not available 24/7. Have you tried any of these? I can't believe how delicious they were.
I got the camera finally and took pictures of the dishcloth and sock but not the usb cord so I can't upload them. I'll have to do it tomorrow. I need to get a new camera of my own I think.
Well it's late and I need to get some sleep, the day tomorrow starts EARLY. Have a great night and sweet dreams.

Now in my defense most of these chocolates are for my mom for Mother's Day. She does not eat sugar either. But I did get a bag of the chocolate covered almonds for me and a bag of the dark chocolate mini's. I have not had chocolate candy since surgery so wasn't sure if they would bother me or not. So I tried some today and it was OK. I know I have to be careful about these items though, sugar free or not they still have calories and can cause problems with weight loss, but when I feel like a little chocolate break I have something to turn to. I plan on keeping them in the freezer to stay fresh and not available 24/7. Have you tried any of these? I can't believe how delicious they were.
I got the camera finally and took pictures of the dishcloth and sock but not the usb cord so I can't upload them. I'll have to do it tomorrow. I need to get a new camera of my own I think.
Well it's late and I need to get some sleep, the day tomorrow starts EARLY. Have a great night and sweet dreams.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Wednesday- Ha I am Not the Only Clumsy One

I had this saved on my computer... I should have posted it yesterday it fit in perfectly with my post about falling down the steps. I am FINE by the way. A little sore but that could be from anything, walking, driving around etc. God took care of me.
I am saving the sock to work on tomorrow at support group, so I worked on a dishcloth today in between all my running around. I have 6 rows to go and will finish it before bed tonight. But no pictures because my son still has the camera. Hopefully tomorrow.
Tomorrow is my weigh in day. I am 2 pounds away from my next mini goal, maybe I'll make it.
I can't believe how many times I have blown my nose today. I went through a whole box of tissues. No lie. I woke up and my eyes were all red and swollen, I must have developed allergies, but what am I allergic to? Right now it seems like LIFE.
So do you all watch American Idol? How do you feel about the final three left? And OK what did you think about Paula's performance? I was surprised at the final three results, and I can't believe Paula can dance around like that at her age. Her performance was great, but knowing it was her and not the young 20 something girl she seemd to be made me a little uncomfortable I guess. But if I looked like that and could still do the splits etc. I'd probably continue performing too.
Well hope you all have a wonderful night and sweet dreams. I'll see you Thursday.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Tuesday- Take Two, Let The Show Begin
Well it looks the movie worked this time. That's good because I don't have the camera to take any pictures to show you my knititng stuff. {{sigh}}
Today I spent the day with my friend Kathy, we have known each other since we were 18. We went to lunch and then back to her house for the afternoon. We were going to walk around the college but it started to rain. Usually she comes to my house because I rarely left my house much less drove somewhere. So this was a real treat for her, and me. I came home with several outfits too, she is losing weight as well and I am getting her too big clothes. Woo Hoo.
Funny thing happened as I was leaving Kathy's house. She lives in a second floor apartment and I managed to get down all those stairs OK even carrying a couple bags of clothes, of course as usual I walked down backwards. But I did it safely. Then outside the front door were two or three steps, concrete steps leading to the sidewalk. They were small steps and I felt confident I could walk down those steps facing forward. I walked down two steps and I noticed only one of our cars were parked there. Panic gripped me I thought my car was towed or something, but my car was there, Kathy's was gone. Her son took it to the post office, we were laughing cause we both thought a car was stolen or something. I took a step forward thinking I was on the sidewalk, but I was still on the steps, uh oh.
Well hope you got a good laugh out of that. I have taken some Tylenol, because DR Shelly insisted, and I am headed to bed. You should all be sleeping by now, hope you are having sweet dreams.
Monday, May 4, 2009
Monday- Movie Time Delayed, Thanks Blogger
Well the April contest has officially ended, and Regis and I chose our winner for the final week... Kenyetta it's YOU. These are the stitch markers left to choose from, just let me know which set you'd like and they are yours.

Well I have turned the heel on the sock and am almost to the point where I start the foot part. I worked on it tonight while watching te CBS comedies. I wanted to finish the decreasing while watching HOUSE but I couldn't. I need my glasses to watch HOUSE and I can't knit with my glasses on. So maybe tomorrow I'll get to the toe.
I had a video of Adam to share today but Blogger is being a pain tonight. I'll try tomorrow.
That's about it for me tonight. Last night I was in bed by 10:30PM and I slept untl 8:30AM. It felt good, but I haven't caught up yet.
Hope you all have a great night and sweet dreams.

Well I have turned the heel on the sock and am almost to the point where I start the foot part. I worked on it tonight while watching te CBS comedies. I wanted to finish the decreasing while watching HOUSE but I couldn't. I need my glasses to watch HOUSE and I can't knit with my glasses on. So maybe tomorrow I'll get to the toe.
I had a video of Adam to share today but Blogger is being a pain tonight. I'll try tomorrow.
That's about it for me tonight. Last night I was in bed by 10:30PM and I slept untl 8:30AM. It felt good, but I haven't caught up yet.
Hope you all have a great night and sweet dreams.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Sunday- Discoveries

Regis and I will announce the winner of the final contest week on tomorrow's blog. I hope it is YOU, oh wait it probably is, LOL. Have a great night, Sweet Dreams.
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Saturday- Sock It To Me
Well I received my Wee Tiny Swap sock in the mail. Isn't the sheep card cute, and the stitch markers match the wee tiny sock perfectly.
Thursday while I was at the Dr's with my son I was working on my grown up pair of socks... well wouldn't you know it when I put the sock back in my secure zippered bag, I dropped the empty needle on the floor. Of course it was carpeted so I didn't hear it fall. That night when I went to support group I took out the sock to work on it during the meeting and AHHHHH the 5th needle was missing. I could have rearranged the stitches to three needles and worked with the 4th but I was so MAD I didn't knit at all.
I called the DR office Friday morning to see if they had found my needle and they said No. Well I didn't actually talk to the office I went to because the person answering the phones wouldn't transfer me. So I drove up there Friday afternoon, and walked to the chair I was sitting in and sure enough there was the little toothpick DPN needle waiting for me. Grrr
So this is how far I have gotten on my grown up sock. I haven't knitted on it since Thursday but hopefully tomorrow after Adam goes home I can spend some quality and quantity time with this sock.
Well that's about all from me today. I am still tired. I feel like I've been hit by a truck or something. I can;t wait until vacation, I sure need it. Is it July yet?
Have a great night everyone, sweet dreams.
Well that's about all from me today. I am still tired. I feel like I've been hit by a truck or something. I can;t wait until vacation, I sure need it. Is it July yet?
Have a great night everyone, sweet dreams.
Friday, May 1, 2009
Friday- May Day, May Day

Happy May Day everyone. When I lived in CA on May Day when you woke up in the morning someone left flowers secretly for you on your door step. I always loved that.
Yep the contest ended yesterday. I haven't asked REGIS who the final winner is yet. Hopefully I can do that over the weekend and announce it by Monday. Thank you all for commenting and I hoep I kept you a little entertained in that April month.
I wish I had this cartoon yesterday when I blogged about the "swine flu" LOL

I am over stretched, mentally drained, physically tired, and suffering from sinus to boot. Help... may day, may day.
I am going to bed. Hope you are there already. Sweet dreams.
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- Saturday- Say Did You See This Contest?
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- Wednesday- Well What Do you Know? It Worked!
- Tuesday- Too Tired To Type Tonight
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- Sunday- Such Talent, I Have To Share
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- Friday- But I'd swear it was Saturday
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- Friday- Fun Fun Fun Until My Daddy Took The...
- Thursday- Thank You
- Wednesday- Was that a Walk-a-bout?
- Tuesday- There's a Bear in the Tree
- Monday- Sleep typing
- Sunday- Happy Mother's Day
- Saturday- NASCAR or NOGGIN?
- Friday- Faint, Fit and Finally
- Thursday- MMM Chocolate
- Wednesday- Ha I am Not the Only Clumsy One
- Tuesday- Take Two, Let The Show Begin
- Monday- Movie Time Delayed, Thanks Blogger
- Sunday- Discoveries
- Saturday- Sock It To Me
- Friday- May Day, May Day