Yes, this lovely chimney pictured here fell smack down on the top of my head yesterday. My husband decided to replace the wood stove with a newer one and put the old one in the garage. That went OK, but he was struggling getting the chimney re-attached. So I went over to help, even after he had told be abut the tickets from the night before. I considered letting him struggle, but thought better of it, cause if there is a fire to be in there I want to make sure the chimney is correctly attached. It's a self preservation thing, LOL.
I have another story to tell that happened Sunday night at the Pastor's house but I'll save that one for tomorrow. One disaster story a day is more then most can handle. LOL
I will leave you with a picture of the fish blanket I was working on for VJG. It's the last one to finish before I can mail them all out. Well I wanted to add a couple more rows of fish but I just can't get myself to knit another fish. So I have decided it's good enough as is, I will crochet a border around it and then the 9 blankets will be in the mail, finally.
Gen 3:15 And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.
sorry bout the chimney,,men!
Ouch! Sorry about that chimney falling on your head. And then you get yelled at...that's gratitude for ya. :P
Love the fish afghan. I want to make one too but I just don't have the patience for all that piecing together.
Your hubby sounds like me! He got mad because you were hurt and it was HIS fault. Sorry to have that happen to you!
You made 9 of those fish afghans? Sheesh, I couldn't even make 1. I couldn't even knit enough fish for 1 strip. Hats off to ya!
Poor you! Hope your head is a bit better today.
Oh my gosh!!! You could have had a skull fracture or a concussion at the very least!! I'm so glad you're okay!!
Do you feel okay today--no dizziness, blurred vision or anything like that? (Can't tell where I work, can you?) I'm just concerned about this!!
And your fish afghan is just lovely. I printed out the pattern for the fish, and that's as far as I got. But, it's here waiting if I ever get ambitious enough to do this. Did you know there is a kite pattern too? (Teasing you right along--before I know it I'll be seeing a picture of the kite afghan!!)
Hope the rest of your day is better!!
I just left this same comment on another blog - MEN! Can't live with them and can't just shoot them!
(and you know I've been married for 44 years and haven't shot him...yet LOL)
Your fish blanket is amazing!
Ouch!! Oh your poor head. The fish blanket is spectacular and I can't believe you made 9 of them!!!!!
OUCH!!! Are you ok? I see you're up and about, blogging, etc, but are you really ok? Take it easy and see a doctor if you feel something is just not right.
The fish blanket is great.
My hubby would've done the same thing and then would have added, "why didn't you get out of the way" . . . of course, if I had gotten out of the way, I would have gotten "why didn't you catch it." LOL. I love Jane's comment.
Your fish blanket is fantastic. I love that pattern and I know exactly what you mean though about not being able to knit another fish. Not sure I would make another one, but it sure makes a wonderful blanket :)
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