Friday, August 5, 2011

Day Fifty of Super Summer 2011

Day Fifty of Super Summer 2011

Today Adam got to go to the Pottery Barn with Nana and Janet. There were rows and rows of choices of things we could paint. Adam looked them all over and almost immediately decided on the Ninja Turtle figure. Naturally a detailed painting job is exactly what he should have started with on his first project LOL. He did pretty good and Janet the expert was right there to led a hand. We had to choose our colors and brushes and then paint the piece three times. As you can see in the photo above Adam was concentrating on getting the colors just right. He kept thinking this was Raphael but then he couldn't remember if Raphael had red on him or not. We just don't know. But I can tell you that Ninja Turtles have YELLOW eyes. Wait till ou see the finished product, that will be next Friday. :-)

For now here is the preview of our pieces
We left the Pottery Barn and went to the ice cream place next door. Adam chose DARK CHOCOLATE ice cream, he is a kid just like his Nana, that would have been my choice too if I was eating ice cream.
That is a DARK chocolate don;t you think? It almost looked black. YUMMY I did have a taste or two. Adam ate most of it, and wore some home too.
Once we got home we hit the Wii with full force, this time we decided to play some Wii sports for some actual exercise. We boxed and golfed, played baseball and bowled. Adam is pretty good at bowling as you can see by these next two photos
I can tell you Adam has worked up a sweat. Poor kid, maybe I should turn the air conditioner back on.
I am going boxing for real tonight, so I am trying not to exercise as much as him so I am fairly comfortable with just the fan. Then again PT will be here soon so I may want the air on while she tortures me.

So I blogged early today since I had so many pictures already. Tomorrow is the weekend, I wonder what we will be up to tomorrow. If you are curious come back tomorrow sometime and see.

See ya when we see ya

1 comment:

Beth said...

Love that you are enjoying your time with Adam!!

Whoa...he will beat me at bowling every time, I'm sure..I usually need those inflatable bumpers when I go 'real' bowling (which isn't too often!!)


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