I walked to church again today. I LIKE walking to church. It doesn't take too long and I feel good by the time I get there. I'll be missing church now for about 5 weeks, but I plan on continuing to walk while visiting in San Diego again. And I hope my dad and his wife will attend church with me again on Sunday's like they did the last time I was there. So it's all good, right?
After church I went to an engagement party for our cousin's daughter. There was live music and good food. It was nice.
Yesterday's eyeball bender was some potato dish my kids had at the Irish Fest last night. I thought about showing you the HUGE Turkey leg my oldest son was eating, he reminded me of a cave man knawing on an animal he just killed for dinner. YUCK, lol.

Here is today's eyeball bender. See if you can figure it out and post your guess in the comment section. All comments get one entry right or wrong... but the first to guess correctly will get two entries.
have a safe trip
I hope you have a wonderful trip. I think your eye-ball bender today is printed tissue paper.
dried corn husk?
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