(look Nana I can put on my own shirt now, I am almost 3)
I tell you I think 6 days with a three year old wore me out, LOL
Church was wonderful yesterday and I guess afterwards I was just reflecting on what God was speaking to me.
Adam never got his hair cut, but Papa took him down to the river to watch the boats. Adam loves "Turtle River" and "Crocodile Lake".
I am sure you are all waiting for the announcement of the winner... so here we go...
The hardest part about this whole contest was cutting out the little pieces of paper for each comment, LOL... there must be an easier way to do that, LOL
Oh yeah... you want to know who the winner is
Let me say first, I wish I could give everyone a prize. I am so thankful for all who played, and I think I have made some new friends. I am so used to seeing comments from some of you everyday that I hope even if there isn't a contest you will still stop by and say Hi to me.
And now for the moment you have all been waiting for... THE WINNER IS
CHAI... congratulations
Now email me your mailing address and I will ship out your prizes.
I would like to make an honorable mention to KatieO, the only person who was able to comment EVERY day without fail. I would also like to send you something so if you could also email me your mailing address, OK?
My email is gimpykatk@aol.com
Just in case I don't recognize your email address please put blog contest in your subject line, OK?
I wanted to say we had 42 different posters in the month of August, some only a one time visitor, most of you fell in between 12 and 25 days though, and that's awesome.
I can't wait to start another one. I just need a few days to find my brain again. Wait didn't I see it in one of the August blogs??? I better go look for it. LOL
Have a wonderful Holiday today.
Thanks for making August one of the best months ever.
Well, thank you very much!! You didn't have to do that, but I appreciate the fact that you are!! I enjoyed it very much and keep coming back each day!! Job well Done!!!!
COngratulations to the winner and honorable mention...
I logged on yesterday and was SO VERY disappointed to see there was no update on the blog. I enjoyed reading every day with my morning coffee. You HAVE to keep posting every day Kathy. I missed you and thought you must be sick...anyway, it's great to see you today and I look forward to seeing you tomorrow, God willing. Have a great day
Congradulations Chai and Katie!
This was such fun! I really enjoyed coming here everyday!
Thank you for all the fun Kathy, and I will contiue to stop by here whenever I'm online.
Wow! Thank you!!!!!
It was really fun coming here to check out what was going on.
That is really a nice surprise Kathy. I will email my mailing address to you right away. Please make sure that your return address is on the package, because I have something to send you!
Thanks again!
Congradulations Chai and Katie!
Like everyone one else this was great fun and I know I will continue to stop by when I can. I love seeing your pics and hearing about Adam. Makes me laugh cuz little ones are great fun.
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