Well yesterday started out great, but got progressivly worse as the day went on. I haven't been so sick in a long time. My high tolerance for pain could not handle it, so around 8PM I finally went to the emergency room. For me to go to the ER, especially on a holiday, it must be pretty bad. My sister drove me and dropped me off anf then picked me back up around 3AM. Long night. Turns out I had a UTI, which was causing all the pain and naseua. I got hooked up to fluids via IV as I was also dehydrated by this point, they gave me nasuea meds, antibiotics and morphine. I basically slept through most of it. I feel better today, the back pain is much better, still sore in other areas and still can't eat anything but I am getting in all my water today so that's good.

Look what arrived in the mail today!! I won a needle holder from
Michele. But she didn't just send me the needles holder she also sent one skein of Adrienne Vittadini Bettina yarn in a really pretty lime green color, and it came with a pattern for a one skein Carvat.

And a set of stitch markers that she made. The picture is blurry but they are really really great.

I finished the 4th dishcloth for
Libby today they are her prize for helping me name Barbie, my car.

This is a picture of all four cloths. I hope to get them out in the mail tomorrow.

Speaking of prizes these are the four stitch marker prizes remaining for the winner this week to choose from. These were made by
Bea, who by the way got married this weekend, congratulations Bea. If you get a chance go by her post and wish her the best.
Anyway last week we had 115 comments made and REGIS, my trusty random generator guy, chose comment number 61. That was the fifth comment made on Thursday last week an dit belonged to
Superwoman_2002. Congratulations Zaneta, just let me know which of the four remaining prizes you want and I'll send it right out.
CONTEST STUFF:Since my brain is wiped out I guess I'll just ask a stupid question. Have you ever gone to the ER on a major holiday? Post a comment to receive Monday's entry this week.~
I guess that's about it for me, I am still pretty tired, probably because I haven't eaten, or maybe it's a Morphine withdrawl, who knows. Anyway I hope I can sleep tonight. And I wish you aall a great night too, sweet dreams everyone.