Speaking of contests I won one this week. On my side bar where I list other contests I entered the one where we needed to suggest a name for a teen podcast for knitting and crocheting. There were some awesome suggestions already made so I wasn't even going to bother, but I gave the only one that came to my mind, and she emailed me this morning and said she chose my idea. I am shocked. I know most of us aren't teens, but if you know a teen who knits/crochets you might want to tell them about this podcast. I think it's going to be a huge success! The name will be Teens UnRaveled Actually I think this link is to her blog, but the link for the podcast is right there. Check it out.
My oxygen machine broke last night. It smelt like it was burning up. I ended up going to bed early since I don't need the oxygen with the CPAP. I have plenty of portable tanks but I called to have the bring me a new concentrator. They were supposed to be here at 1pm but haven't shown up yet. Geez, good thing I am not dieing here.
Adam came to church with me and my son Jim today. He was very good. It was communion Sunday but he didn't want the bread and grape juice, so he had a fruit loop and apple juice instead. Too cute, huh? He is so funny when the lights go down for Worship, and when they get turned back on he shouts out "Hey Nana, the lights came back on" Everyone laughs. I love showing him off.
There is a wonderful breeze blowing in through the windows right now, I LOVE it. Fresh air, what a wonderful was to feel God all around you.
See you all tomorrow and reveal the winner too.
Jhn 3:8 | The wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound thereof, but canst not tell whence it cometh, and whither it goeth: so is every one that is born of the Spirit. |
LOL they do look very serious LOL. Awww Don't they just say the darnest things. LOL
You gotta love Pogo! It's a good way to unwind or get really frustrated. lol
I hope you're going to be brave and post a hair photo if you get that cut.
Congrats on winning the contest...good name for the podcast.
OHHH I was hoping to see them felted already.....I can not stand the suspence.......Hope you have a wonderful evening......
Hi Kathy!!
I felted just a small swatch once to see how it would turn out. You'll see--it will come out just fine.
I went to church today and did my preschool class today. This is the first time in 3 weeks because of all the problems I've been having. I was so glad to be there!! We had communion, too, today. My small group served the elements, and it was just awesome--all of us serving together. My spiritual family--what would I do without them.
The wind--I love the wind--always reminds me of God's presence; thunderstorms remind me of God's power.
Have a wonderful rest of the evening!!
Hey Kathy! If you lived by me, I'd cut your hair for you. I used to be a beautician. I just cut my hair.
You never know what's going to come out of a little one's mouth do you? LOL That's so cute!
Congradulations on winning the contest! That's a great name!
Time for bed. My eyes are starting to close. See you tomorrow!
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