Later after the pool we had Music time. Loud, out of tune and absolutely FUN. Right Shelly? You heard part of the concert. LOL Can you see his T-shirt? It's Led Zepplin... who makes Led Zepplin shirts for toddlers? I for sure didn't buy this, crazy huh?
We did make it to the pool. I was going to bring the camera but I am glad I thought better of it. Since I managed to drown yet another telephone this week.
Yes you heard me correctly I have destroyed two of our four handsets phones. The first one was a couple days ago, I had it out of the pool and for some reason when I stood up to get out I leaned on the side, HUGE mistake, and a giant wave of water filled the little tub I had the phone safely resting in. I tried to rescue it and thought it worked still but NO it's gone.
Then today I had one of the other handsets attached to my bathing suit. I planned on putting it in that safe tub but wanted to wait until Adam was in so he wouldn't splash water into it. So I climb in the pool and start skimming out the bugs and leaves. I lift Adam in and we are set to go.
BUT where is the phone? I don't remember it falling off, I didn't hear a splash, maybe it fell outside the pool when I lifted Adam in. Nope. Hmm was it inside my bathing suit? OK I would have felt it but I was desperate. I couldn't have sunk another phone. It just couldn't be true.
Now I am walking around the pool looking in the water and I can't see it anywhere. Oh thank you Lord it must be on the grass somewhere. Maybe I never brought it out? Could I have left it in the house? I sit down in the pool and think. NO NO NO I know I had the phone. I stand up now and look again and OH NO there it is sunk to the bottom. It's ruined. {{{SIGH}}}
All I can say is thank God I didn't bring the camera. My son would have killed me as it is his.
Adam has gone home now, he didn't want to. I think he'd live here if his mom would let him.
Church tomorrow so I am going to bed. After all the craziness today I need my beauty sleep.
Hope your day was calmer but full of fun too.
Sounds like a wonderful day! is nice to be able to send them home at the end of it, isn't it? LOL
LOL! Sounds like fun and it brong back memories of when my boys were little
Okay, we're gonna have to find you a waterproof phone. lol
Adam looks like he's grown so much in the photos...what Noggin song are we singing? I probably know it. lol
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