Well this will just be a quick post from me tonight.
Tomorrow starts the contest. So I'll be starting the new blog post sometime in the morning before noontime.
As usual I will have different contest assignments throughout the week, all you need to do is comment to receive an entry.
No assignments will be done on the weekends but any comments collected over the weekend will still get an entry.
Winners will be announced on Monday's.
Because there are two months in a row with 31 days in them I plan on continuing the contest for the full 62 days.
If anyone has any ideas for poll questions etc. please email them to me. Sometimes my brain just struggles to find a new topic. LOL (gimpykatk at aol dot com)
OK with the business out of the way I can talk about my day. I have been knitting all day. I have found myself involved in three different swaps and I must get my packages ready. I got two cloths done today and I have another on the needles and a few more things started as well.
My niece Autumn passed her driving test today and is now officially licensed to drive by herself, what a break for my sister.
I'm not feeling really good today. I think I have a UTI infection. I WILL call the Dr tomorrow, ha like I need another Dr appt. But this is not fun, for sure.
Ewee some weird bug just landed on my arm, I squished it. Now I need to go wash my hands. It's always something around here.
See you all in the morning.
Monday, June 30, 2008
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Sunday- Celebrating 60 years
After church today we all gathered at my sisters next door to have a BBQ and celebrate my moms brothers 60th anniversary. My mom is the youngest of 9 children, she was 4 when they were married. We had a wonderful time. I just got home a little while ago. After dinner and cake we played Mexican Dominoes and laughed a lot.
I floated in my pool for an hour this afternoon as well, just to cool off a little. I DID NOT bring a phone out with me, not taking any more chances. I talk on the phone too much to ruin a third one.
Tomorrow I need to focus on the swaps I signed up for. I have dishcloths to knit and need to get them done tomorrow because after the contest starts on Tuesday I will for sure be feeling like I am a day late and a dollar short. But I am excited to get it started up again.
This time the contest will run for 2 months, yep July and August both have 31 days so i am going to keep it going through both of them. Thank you to Wendy and Cat for offering and sending me some pictures to use for the contest and if anyone has more, pile of needles, finished projects, WIP's etc. feel free to email them to me. I will need a total of 8 but can always use more, there will be other contest throughout the year.
Oh and here are a couple more pictures of Adam from this weekends visit.
I floated in my pool for an hour this afternoon as well, just to cool off a little. I DID NOT bring a phone out with me, not taking any more chances. I talk on the phone too much to ruin a third one.
Tomorrow I need to focus on the swaps I signed up for. I have dishcloths to knit and need to get them done tomorrow because after the contest starts on Tuesday I will for sure be feeling like I am a day late and a dollar short. But I am excited to get it started up again.
This time the contest will run for 2 months, yep July and August both have 31 days so i am going to keep it going through both of them. Thank you to Wendy and Cat for offering and sending me some pictures to use for the contest and if anyone has more, pile of needles, finished projects, WIP's etc. feel free to email them to me. I will need a total of 8 but can always use more, there will be other contest throughout the year.
Oh and here are a couple more pictures of Adam from this weekends visit.
Have a great night. I am going to get ready for bed. Tomorrows going to be a big knitting day, i need to rest my fingers, LOL
Saturday, June 28, 2008
So It's Saturday and this is how it started...
Later after the pool we had Music time. Loud, out of tune and absolutely FUN. Right Shelly? You heard part of the concert. LOL Can you see his T-shirt? It's Led Zepplin... who makes Led Zepplin shirts for toddlers? I for sure didn't buy this, crazy huh?
We did make it to the pool. I was going to bring the camera but I am glad I thought better of it. Since I managed to drown yet another telephone this week.
Yes you heard me correctly I have destroyed two of our four handsets phones. The first one was a couple days ago, I had it out of the pool and for some reason when I stood up to get out I leaned on the side, HUGE mistake, and a giant wave of water filled the little tub I had the phone safely resting in. I tried to rescue it and thought it worked still but NO it's gone.
Then today I had one of the other handsets attached to my bathing suit. I planned on putting it in that safe tub but wanted to wait until Adam was in so he wouldn't splash water into it. So I climb in the pool and start skimming out the bugs and leaves. I lift Adam in and we are set to go.
BUT where is the phone? I don't remember it falling off, I didn't hear a splash, maybe it fell outside the pool when I lifted Adam in. Nope. Hmm was it inside my bathing suit? OK I would have felt it but I was desperate. I couldn't have sunk another phone. It just couldn't be true.
Now I am walking around the pool looking in the water and I can't see it anywhere. Oh thank you Lord it must be on the grass somewhere. Maybe I never brought it out? Could I have left it in the house? I sit down in the pool and think. NO NO NO I know I had the phone. I stand up now and look again and OH NO there it is sunk to the bottom. It's ruined. {{{SIGH}}}
All I can say is thank God I didn't bring the camera. My son would have killed me as it is his.
Adam has gone home now, he didn't want to. I think he'd live here if his mom would let him.
Church tomorrow so I am going to bed. After all the craziness today I need my beauty sleep.
Hope your day was calmer but full of fun too.
Friday, June 27, 2008
Fixin' it up Friday
Today with the help of a young teenager my mom takes care of we packed up all my dusty knick knacks and replaced them with pictures I had on top of my TV that no one could even see. I've been wanting to do this for months and now it's finally done. She will come back several days over the summer break and help me de-clutter and organize other parts of the house too. All I have to do is figure out how to pay her for her help.
Adam is here and is in fact sleeping as I type on my bed. I had to lay down with him at first and he insists I have the CPAP on. So naturally I fell asleep too. I just woke up (thank you water pills) and realized I hadn't blogged. Don't wanna ruin my perfect streak now do we?
I do have a couple pictures of Adam but I'll share them tomorrow, right now I think I better get back to bed. Before my brain types something I really don't want to say like my weight or measurements etc. or even worse... yeah you know what I am talkin' about. LOL
See you later gaters
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Physical Therapy Thursday
Well there it is the beginning of physical therapy. A resistance band and a chart of exercises to work on while at home. I start aqua therapy on Wednesday next week. Probably a good thing since I had a visit from TOM this morning and it's not a good day for swimming.
It was a long day and I was in the car driving for quite a bit for me. My legs are feeling it today. I am sure though this will help me so much in the long run so I am so happy it's finally happening.
Adam is coming tomorrow so I should get in some exercise tomorrow for sure. And hopefully finally some knitting. I haven't touched yarn since Sunday.
I need to get ready for the 1st too, contest starts up again and I need to at least know what the prizes will be for the first week. Don't forget to tell your friends to come over and play.
Ok that said I am off to bed. I'll be back tomorrow maybe with some new pictures of Adam, because he is just so cute. LOL
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Darn near a PERFECT Wednesday
I found this t-shirt I got way back when DJ was still driving the 88 car. I haven't ever worn it because it was just a little too small. It fit me well enough today to wear to church. How do you like that self portrait, lol?
It was absolutely beautiful here today. I did all my morning stuff and by 12:30 I was out in the pool. I swam with the grasshoppers all afternoon. I came in around 4:30, took a shower made dinner and got ready for church. This is what I call an almost PERFECT day.
Maybe it would have been more perfect if I had knitted something, but hey you can't always have everything and it's high time I was a little more thankful for what I do have, right?
Tomorrow I meet with the physical therapist for an exercise program and measurements etc. Not real excited about the measurement part. Is the tape measure even long enough? Oh geez I hope so.
Oh and good news, even with 4 hours in the sun today I DID NOT burn. I have some nice color and no sunburn, yes it was a perfect day.
Hope you also had a great day and praying for a repeat tomorrow too.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Tuesday- Dog Tired
Yep that picture says it all. LOL.
LONG Day for me. Two Dr appointments and a visit to my old office where I worked. It was actually a good day. I got in a lot of exercise, walking and stair climbing. I almost missed my second appointment because the clock in the office was slow by 26 minutes. I didn't have my cell phone to call the Dr to say I was on my way so i just drove there and got in as fast as I could. They had me marked down as a no show and the Dr passed me in the hall, he was going to get his stuff and leave for lunch. He saw me and asked my name and I was able to get the appointment after all even being 30 minutes late. The funny thing was I was just killing time to go there as my first appt was done at 10am and the 2nd didn't start until 11:30. That's why I went to visit my old boss. Who would have guessed his clock would be wrong, lol. Only in my world.
After I came home I decided to go lounge in the pool. I have to wear a short over my suit now to help prevent the sunburn problem. Well my shirt was hanging over the fence. My son got it for me and I made him shake it out to free it from any bugs that thought they had found a new home. I went to put it on and just in time I saw the pincher bug (earwig) waiting there inside for me. YIKES. I threw the shirt on the floor and the bug disappeared. Who wants to bet it finds me in my sleep tonight? Well it will have to wait in line behind the kamakazee flies and the king spiders that torture me on a regular basis.
The water was cold and the sun kept hiding behind the thick black clouds floating around but it was still relaxing. Until certain unmentionable parts of my body were getting so cold it was painful. I figured it was time to get out.
Cable got here right at dinnertime, I am sure they planned that. But now I have Internet again. Thank you RUTH for posting for me so I didn't miss a day of blogging.
Hopefully tomorrow I can catch up on what you all have been blogging about. Tonight I am going to bed.
Sweet Dreams
Monday, June 23, 2008
Monday Death of the Internet
Aunt Kathy's computer will not connect. Please come back tomorrow for further information.
Sunday, June 22, 2008
{{{SIGH}}} Sunday is almost over
I feel like the day flew by yet I am so tired. Not sure why. I am thinking an early night for me. My DR appts start this week, I have 3 of them this week coming.
I finished the illusion cloths. I put the paw print pattern on my pattern blog, sort of. It's only for the pattern, you would have to add borders etc if you wanted to make it into a dishcloth. I made this for Shelly as she is going to incorporate the illusion into a pair of socks. Here's a picture of my test knitted cloths.

I also made a pattern of crossed baseball bats but I am not totally happy with this one. I may need to revise. This is how it come out though.

Now the big decision... What will I work on tomorrow. LOL
Have a great night and I'll see you all tomorrow
I feel like the day flew by yet I am so tired. Not sure why. I am thinking an early night for me. My DR appts start this week, I have 3 of them this week coming.
I finished the illusion cloths. I put the paw print pattern on my pattern blog, sort of. It's only for the pattern, you would have to add borders etc if you wanted to make it into a dishcloth. I made this for Shelly as she is going to incorporate the illusion into a pair of socks. Here's a picture of my test knitted cloths.
I also made a pattern of crossed baseball bats but I am not totally happy with this one. I may need to revise. This is how it come out though.
Now the big decision... What will I work on tomorrow. LOL
Have a great night and I'll see you all tomorrow
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Saturday- Steak and Stitches
Not much to blog today. It's late and I am ready for bed.
We finally had our first steak of the season cooked on the grill. My son is a meat cutter ans he special cut this for us and it was so so so delicious. It's been a long time and it was indescribable.
Of course mine got cold because I was test knitting the illusion cloth I designed and couldn't decide between eating and knitting, lol. So I did both but my food got cold pretty fast. But oddly enough it was still fabulous.
I don't have the camera yet to show you the pictures of the two designs. The first one is really supposed to be a plain regular dishcloth picture pattern but I used it to experiment with the illusion technique. The second cloth was designed especially for illusion so Shelly can use it for a special pair of socks for her daughter. Getting the ratio between casting on stitches and rows was the challenging part. But I think I am pretty close. I'll share the pictures tomorrow. I already told my son I NEED the camera.
Adam has gone home. We had a nice two days. He is such a good boy. We went swimming today for a little while, the pool was a little over filled from the last week of rain and he was a little scared but we still had fun.
Just a little over a week before my contest starts up again, are you all ready? Maybe we will get a few new regulars this time.
Speaking of that do any of you have some pictures of stash, etc something I can use for the "Guess" day? I am running out of things here and may have to start repeating, lol. If you do, email me your pictures, please. Thanks.
See you sometime Sunday hopefully not this late.
We finally had our first steak of the season cooked on the grill. My son is a meat cutter ans he special cut this for us and it was so so so delicious. It's been a long time and it was indescribable.
Of course mine got cold because I was test knitting the illusion cloth I designed and couldn't decide between eating and knitting, lol. So I did both but my food got cold pretty fast. But oddly enough it was still fabulous.
I don't have the camera yet to show you the pictures of the two designs. The first one is really supposed to be a plain regular dishcloth picture pattern but I used it to experiment with the illusion technique. The second cloth was designed especially for illusion so Shelly can use it for a special pair of socks for her daughter. Getting the ratio between casting on stitches and rows was the challenging part. But I think I am pretty close. I'll share the pictures tomorrow. I already told my son I NEED the camera.
Adam has gone home. We had a nice two days. He is such a good boy. We went swimming today for a little while, the pool was a little over filled from the last week of rain and he was a little scared but we still had fun.
Just a little over a week before my contest starts up again, are you all ready? Maybe we will get a few new regulars this time.
Speaking of that do any of you have some pictures of stash, etc something I can use for the "Guess" day? I am running out of things here and may have to start repeating, lol. If you do, email me your pictures, please. Thanks.
See you sometime Sunday hopefully not this late.
Friday, June 20, 2008
Fill the tank Friday

The toilet decided to clog up today, that's always fun.No plunger either, the one we had was oh I'd say 28 years old and the darn thing fell apart one day. So I sent one of the kids to the dollar store to get us a new one today. All is good now.
I got an unexpected check in the mail today for $20.00. Apparently back in May last year I paid a co-payment for my sleep study and didn't need to. Guess who is getting some veggies this weekend?
Adam is here, it was his last day of school. He found a new game to play on the Internet today. It's a recipe matching game and he loves it. To hear him say "That's a recipe" every time he found the right ingredient was so funny and cute, right Shelly? I made sloppy joes for dinner. Adam didn't want to try them at first but he finally did and said he like them. I called them dinosaur burgers. He loves dinosaurs.
I designed my first illusion cloth today. I am just finishing the test knitting and then I will post it sometime this weekend.
Well it's 12:30am and I am tired. I best get to bed. Three year olds never sleep in, do they?
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Thursday- What is A Rose?
What is a Rose?

I have always loved yellow roses they are my favorite flower. I don't know why they just are. I am sure there is probably some hidden meaning or symbolism behind a yellow rose. But to me they are beautiful, tender, warm, gentle, beautiful and peaceful.
Yes the stems may have thorns, just like life. But the little pricks along the way are so worth the beauty and joy.
I had to attend a wake tonight for a casual friend. I didn't know him well, I knew his girlfriend. He was just getting his life in order after a long line of thorns, but the blossom that was blooming in his present and future was quite a sight. Then suddenly a massive heart attack stopped it all. But did it?
Tonight at the wake there were tears, but there was also laughter and memories and pictures and HOPE. Hope that this life is not all there is, there is a better place, a place with no pain, no sorrow, no tears, no regrets, no doubt, no mysteries. Bob is now changed, he is perfect, he has a new name. Bob is home.
Anyway this yellow rose was given to me to take home and I took it with a smile. Every time I see a yellow rose I remember that God has a home for me too. And you if you want one. All you need to do is ask.
I have always loved yellow roses they are my favorite flower. I don't know why they just are. I am sure there is probably some hidden meaning or symbolism behind a yellow rose. But to me they are beautiful, tender, warm, gentle, beautiful and peaceful.
Yes the stems may have thorns, just like life. But the little pricks along the way are so worth the beauty and joy.
I had to attend a wake tonight for a casual friend. I didn't know him well, I knew his girlfriend. He was just getting his life in order after a long line of thorns, but the blossom that was blooming in his present and future was quite a sight. Then suddenly a massive heart attack stopped it all. But did it?
Tonight at the wake there were tears, but there was also laughter and memories and pictures and HOPE. Hope that this life is not all there is, there is a better place, a place with no pain, no sorrow, no tears, no regrets, no doubt, no mysteries. Bob is now changed, he is perfect, he has a new name. Bob is home.
Anyway this yellow rose was given to me to take home and I took it with a smile. Every time I see a yellow rose I remember that God has a home for me too. And you if you want one. All you need to do is ask.
Jhn 14:2 | In my Father's house are many mansions: if [it were] not [so], I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. |
Jhn 14:3 | And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, [there] ye may be also. |
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Wednesday- Walk it out, Work it out, What?
Hello, how is everyone today? I have had another busy day. Mostly on the phone but good news is I have all my necessary appointments scheduled and starting next week I am going to no longer be a housebound hermit.
I was looking at the pictures on the camera and I saw I had this picture of a painting Adam did at school. Isn't it great? I was thinking maybe I can knit a cloth to match it, wouldn't that be fun?
I have been sewing some squares together for VJG gang, these were made by my friend Mary, I have never seen this pattern before but I LOVE it. She made 4 solid colors (white, red, blue and yellow) and a variegated that has all those colors and a few more. This is going to look awesome for sure. I should have it finished tomorrow morning and I will post it on tomorrows blog.
I went to church tonight and ended up walking much further then normal. Started off when I didn't have my handicapped sticker and the parking lot was full, then we were in a different section of the building, actually a whole different building (we rent space in case you couldn't tell) so more walking. Then of course repeat the process to get back to the car. Then after parking the car in the garage I walked down the long driveway to get in the house. Yep got in my exercise today.
I designed a new pattern today, I need to test knit it still. I also am thinking of making it into an illusion cloth as well. I have never done that but am anxious to give it a try. Hopefully this will be tomorrows project.
Nothing else is really new here. I am tired and my brain is still swimming with all that's transpired this week.
See you all tomorrow.
I was looking at the pictures on the camera and I saw I had this picture of a painting Adam did at school. Isn't it great? I was thinking maybe I can knit a cloth to match it, wouldn't that be fun?
I designed a new pattern today, I need to test knit it still. I also am thinking of making it into an illusion cloth as well. I have never done that but am anxious to give it a try. Hopefully this will be tomorrows project.
Nothing else is really new here. I am tired and my brain is still swimming with all that's transpired this week.
See you all tomorrow.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Tuesday- Fortunes, Pretty in Pink and Appointments
This was my sons Fortune today... It says... You should be able to make money and hold on to it."
Now if you knew my son Joey, and some of you do, you will see the humor in this. Honestly this message is as clear to Joey as it is in this picture.
Then there is Hannah Rose... isn't she beautiful in pink? She came over with her dog today to see me. Her dog has been shaved and looks so weird. I tried to get a picture of the dog but Julia made a run for my cats food dish.
Oh I thought of a name for my invention... are you ready???
I will probably sell them on Etsy eventually. First I need to find my plastic canvas stash somewhere in the upstairs bedroom. Then I need to make them, this one is for ME. I, especially with the sinus infection, have been blowing my nose more then I like and my husband won't allow me to have a garbage can in the living room. Don't ask!! Now I have a solution.
I made several DR appointments today, just a couple more to do tomorrow. I am going to be a busy girl the next couple months for sure.
Not much else is new here.
Monday, June 16, 2008
Monday Made It!!
Well technically Monday is over and done with but I am still blogging anyway. You know I have to.
Can you believe after my blog dedication to my dad yesterday I fell asleep before I called him to wish him a happy father's day? Yeah that 3 hour time difference gets me every time. Anyway I called him tonight and we had a nice talk, almost 2 hours. I really miss my dad, wonder why I don't call more often?
Today I went to the Dr's. I am looking into options for losing this weight. It looks like surgery might be the option best for me. I have a series of tests to complete before we know for sure... Cardiologist, Psychologist, Nutritionist, GYN and Mammogram, Seminars and many other things. But the wheels are in motion and we will just have to see how it goes.
I was happy to see I have lost 5 pounds since I saw my primary Dr 10 days ago when I had the sinus infection. Of course I might have lost that just trying to find the Dr's office today. Albany Medical College is HUGE and we got lost and I had to walk for almost 30 minutes. I did it though, that a miracle in itself.
Well we had some big storms today, hail the size of quarters, wind and rain. I actually love a good thunder storm. They don't scare me at all. Now my niece Hannah, well that's a different story. She got so worked up over the storms she threw up on my moms couch. Crazy kid.
Speaking of Hannah I have tried to teach her knitting and crocheting and she does Ok but not great. Well she wanted to try the plastic canvas and really got the hang of that pretty fast.
And finally here is my secret project... It's a dual purpose Kleenex box holder. Really now how many time have you been sick in bed or on the couch and blowing your nose and just have no place to put those used tissues? Well here is your answer... this actually holds two boxes of Kleenex, one empty and one full. You use a tissue and put the used piece in the empty box. When the full box in empty, the empty box s/b full. Remove the box of used tissues and replace it with a new one and you are ready to go again. Here's a picture... I didn't put words on them but I was thinking maybe letters that said "ACHEW" or GOD BLESS YOU" etc. On the sides would be fun. So what do you all think?

I thought about making a side door that latches with Velcro to hide the boxes all together.
Can you see how one side is for garbage?
Any ideas on a name for this invention?
It's late and I am off to bed.
Nite everyone.
Can you believe after my blog dedication to my dad yesterday I fell asleep before I called him to wish him a happy father's day? Yeah that 3 hour time difference gets me every time. Anyway I called him tonight and we had a nice talk, almost 2 hours. I really miss my dad, wonder why I don't call more often?
Today I went to the Dr's. I am looking into options for losing this weight. It looks like surgery might be the option best for me. I have a series of tests to complete before we know for sure... Cardiologist, Psychologist, Nutritionist, GYN and Mammogram, Seminars and many other things. But the wheels are in motion and we will just have to see how it goes.
I was happy to see I have lost 5 pounds since I saw my primary Dr 10 days ago when I had the sinus infection. Of course I might have lost that just trying to find the Dr's office today. Albany Medical College is HUGE and we got lost and I had to walk for almost 30 minutes. I did it though, that a miracle in itself.
Well we had some big storms today, hail the size of quarters, wind and rain. I actually love a good thunder storm. They don't scare me at all. Now my niece Hannah, well that's a different story. She got so worked up over the storms she threw up on my moms couch. Crazy kid.
Speaking of Hannah I have tried to teach her knitting and crocheting and she does Ok but not great. Well she wanted to try the plastic canvas and really got the hang of that pretty fast.
And finally here is my secret project... It's a dual purpose Kleenex box holder. Really now how many time have you been sick in bed or on the couch and blowing your nose and just have no place to put those used tissues? Well here is your answer... this actually holds two boxes of Kleenex, one empty and one full. You use a tissue and put the used piece in the empty box. When the full box in empty, the empty box s/b full. Remove the box of used tissues and replace it with a new one and you are ready to go again. Here's a picture... I didn't put words on them but I was thinking maybe letters that said "ACHEW" or GOD BLESS YOU" etc. On the sides would be fun. So what do you all think?
Can you see how one side is for garbage?
Any ideas on a name for this invention?
It's late and I am off to bed.
Nite everyone.
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Sunday- Memories
If you read this, if your eyes are passing over this right now, even if we don't speak often, please post a comment with a memory of you and me. It can be anything you want -- good or bad. When you're finished, you might want post this little paragraph on your blog and be surprised (or mortified) about what people remember about you.
Speaking of memories, It's Fathers Day and I'd like to share a few memories abut my Dad.
My dad, Jim, was the only son out of 4 children. He grew up with a love of Elvis, music and movies. My dad shared those loves and interests with me too.
I remember my dad getting excited over holidays, especially Halloween. Back in the day it was not an evil holiday like it seems to be now. He would make spooky tapes to play when the door bell rang and really put on a show for the trick or treaters.
On Christmas he would sing to us (me, my sisters and my cousins... we were all girls) Usually "Blue Christmas" Elvis style and we would swoon and ahh as he sang, it was so much fun.
I will never forget him picking each one of us up by our ears. We would stand in a line and wait our turn, he would cup our ears, really just covering our ears, we would wrap our hands on his arms and he would lift us up to the ceiling. Giggling away we'd hurry back in line for another turn. Those were good times.
Then there were the movies. Often my dad would take us girls to a local theater that showed old movies, musicals mostly. I remember watching Oliver, Seven Brides for Seven Brothers and many many more. Always a tradition in our house to watch Funny Girl (my favorite movie of all times by the way) and Wizard of Oz every year. We also often went to the drive in's and my dad loved to scare us girls. I remember watching Carrie at the drive in and when that hand came out of the ground at the end, well let's just say we were scared to death that night. One time we went to the indoor theater and we saw Jaws, my dad knew something was gonna happen because of the music and he was sitting behind me and my sister and just when the scary part happened he touched our shoulders and we jumped so high our popcorn went flying and so did we, a whole row forward, lol. I didn't have any brothers, unless you count OSCAR lol, yep the Academy awards was a never miss, in fact I still watch them now. Yeah good times.
My dad looks like a cross between Burt Reynolds and Tom Selleck and if you ask me is more handsome then any of them put together. He was a Deputy Marshall, and a dad in uniform always makes a daughter proud. He was a law student, a postman, a security guard, private investigator and a tax preparer, but above all these things he is my Daddy, my teacher, my mentor, my example.
Oh yeah there were times when I was disciplined, when I thought my dad was mean, but hey that's all part of growing up. I wouldn't trade my dad in for anything. He probably won't ever read this but I wanted to tell him anyway.
Daddy I love you and Happy Fathers day

My Dad, me, Trish (new wife), Dayna (my sister) and Hannah (my niece)

Daddy, Trish and Adam at 1 month old
Speaking of memories, It's Fathers Day and I'd like to share a few memories abut my Dad.
My dad, Jim, was the only son out of 4 children. He grew up with a love of Elvis, music and movies. My dad shared those loves and interests with me too.
I remember my dad getting excited over holidays, especially Halloween. Back in the day it was not an evil holiday like it seems to be now. He would make spooky tapes to play when the door bell rang and really put on a show for the trick or treaters.
On Christmas he would sing to us (me, my sisters and my cousins... we were all girls) Usually "Blue Christmas" Elvis style and we would swoon and ahh as he sang, it was so much fun.
I will never forget him picking each one of us up by our ears. We would stand in a line and wait our turn, he would cup our ears, really just covering our ears, we would wrap our hands on his arms and he would lift us up to the ceiling. Giggling away we'd hurry back in line for another turn. Those were good times.
Then there were the movies. Often my dad would take us girls to a local theater that showed old movies, musicals mostly. I remember watching Oliver, Seven Brides for Seven Brothers and many many more. Always a tradition in our house to watch Funny Girl (my favorite movie of all times by the way) and Wizard of Oz every year. We also often went to the drive in's and my dad loved to scare us girls. I remember watching Carrie at the drive in and when that hand came out of the ground at the end, well let's just say we were scared to death that night. One time we went to the indoor theater and we saw Jaws, my dad knew something was gonna happen because of the music and he was sitting behind me and my sister and just when the scary part happened he touched our shoulders and we jumped so high our popcorn went flying and so did we, a whole row forward, lol. I didn't have any brothers, unless you count OSCAR lol, yep the Academy awards was a never miss, in fact I still watch them now. Yeah good times.
My dad looks like a cross between Burt Reynolds and Tom Selleck and if you ask me is more handsome then any of them put together. He was a Deputy Marshall, and a dad in uniform always makes a daughter proud. He was a law student, a postman, a security guard, private investigator and a tax preparer, but above all these things he is my Daddy, my teacher, my mentor, my example.
Oh yeah there were times when I was disciplined, when I thought my dad was mean, but hey that's all part of growing up. I wouldn't trade my dad in for anything. He probably won't ever read this but I wanted to tell him anyway.
Daddy I love you and Happy Fathers day

My Dad, me, Trish (new wife), Dayna (my sister) and Hannah (my niece)

Daddy, Trish and Adam at 1 month old
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Soaky Saturday

Well I DID not add to the sunburn today. In fact I never left the house at all. It was raining most of the afternoon and evening so I figured it was a good time to take a sun break.
Adam went home last night but this picture was taken the other night, this is what happens to a three year old after a day of playing in the pool.
Not sure if you all noticed but I added a few new contests on the side bar. Mine will start up again in July but until then don't miss out on these other ones.
Also I decided to join a swap for the summer. It seems to be an easy, low cost, low stress type of swap. If you haven't tried one yet this would be a good one to start out with. You can click on the simple swap picture and it will take you to the instructions. Check it out, it will be fun.
I better call it an early night tonight. church tomorrow and shower in the morning, and I want to make sure I am all ready in case Dale Jr drops by, lol
Oh!!!! I almost forgot, I finished the plastic canvas project, but I don't have the camera. I'll have to post it on tomorrows post. I bet the suspense is killing you, huh?
Friday, June 13, 2008
Friday- Fried to the Flesh
OK once I knew I had a sunburn I should have known better then to spend another 3 straight hours in the pool today, huh? You'd think I was smarter than that, um NOPE. I have the aloe, I have the sun screen, I have the wet towel around my shoulders, is anything helping? NOPE again.
Now the skin is peeling at remarkable speeds, it could probably win the race in Michigan this weekend if it were a NASCAR Cup car. Hey Dale Jr, wanna ride my skin for the race this weekend? LOL
Kenyetta yes I think I would love that Cashmere you found. Email me and let me know what I need to do. Thanks.
I am heading off to bed. Adam is gone home and I can slepp in, you think I will? Me either but I can at least dream about it.
See ya on the flip side.
Now the skin is peeling at remarkable speeds, it could probably win the race in Michigan this weekend if it were a NASCAR Cup car. Hey Dale Jr, wanna ride my skin for the race this weekend? LOL
Kenyetta yes I think I would love that Cashmere you found. Email me and let me know what I need to do. Thanks.
I am heading off to bed. Adam is gone home and I can slepp in, you think I will? Me either but I can at least dream about it.
See ya on the flip side.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Thursday... The Toes Knows, But I Don't
Yes that beautiful bright red foot (yes that's the true color) is my Foot (hmm maybe I should have had the nails painted before I took a photo), Sunburned foot to be exact. Now how exactly does one go about sunburning their toes? Only me. Guess maybe I need a little more water in the pool, lol they must have been popping through a little when I sat down. Can we say OUCH!!!
Adam came again today after school and is staying until Saturday. This has been a marathon week for me for sure. Of course we swam again today, can I tell you how many times he swam on, crawled over, stepped on, sat on etc... my toes.
Then there is the floating chlorine thingy... somehow that kamakazied into my foot at least once a minute. It was a war zone out there today.
You will be glad though I spared you form seeing the photos of my skinned hide. Yeah, I am peeling from the sunburn, by the amounts of skin I am seeing flying when I scratch as the fan blows on me I must look like a skinless skeleton. It so itches and believe me if I could I'd be sleeping in the buff tonight, but I am sure authorities would take me away when Adam woke up and crawled into my bed. Now he hasn't done that in a long time, but this would be the night. Not to mention my boys still live home and I do sleep in the living room... yeah you see the problem.
I still haven't knitted in almost 2 weeks, but I am almost finished with my plastic canvas project hopefully I can post that tomorrow.
I see I am only about 80 hits from reaching 20,000 visitors. Wow I am still blown away by that.
Oh and I am searching for something...
I guess that's it for me. I am tired and think I better go to bed before I try to eat something to stay awake, yes this thought is crossing my mind. Water Kathy and go to bed.
Night everyone.
Mat 7:7 | Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: |
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Tuesday, the Thunder Rolls
Well Adam was so excited to get in the pool today. He first mastered getting the goggles on all by himself. Of course he left them in the house so he never used them.
Why is Adam here on a Tuesday? Well his mom decided to paint the living room today. Yeah I wondered about painting in the house on a 100 degree hot humid day, but what do I know anyway? Turns out they house is practically unlivable tonight so Adam is staying the night as well.
Anyway back to the pool... Saturday was Adam's first time in the pool this year and he was cautious. Today he has turned into a fish, He was swimming under water and loving it. He keeps saying..." I am a good swimmer" "I am a good diver" "I am OK" yeah he was fun today. We swam for about 5 hours. Yes I am still sunburned, yes it still hurts, yes it's starting to peel.
The thunder and lightning started about 9pm. It knocked out the Internet for a while, I was afraid I wouldn't get to blog. But it's all good.
I am extremely tired and think I will go to bed early tonight, if you can call 11:30 early. LOL
For those of you praying for warmer sunnier weather, YOU BET my home is your home. Come on down. Or up whatever.
Will check in again tomorrow.
Job 28:26 | When he made a decree for the rain, and a way for the lightning of the thunder: |
Monday, June 9, 2008
Monday, Yeah I am a Lobster

I expect it's gonna be a long night.
More tomorrow if I can move.
2Cr 11:29 Who is weak, and I am not weak? who is offended, and I burn not?
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Straighten me out Sunday
Here is the view of my pool. Not huge by any means but big enough for me to float on a raft and stay cool. As you can see it does take up a lot of room in our small yard, but hey, less lawn for hubby to mow right?
My sister insisted on straightening my hair today before church. She overslept though so we had to rush through it. This was the result just before I ran out the door for church, I was 5 minutes late. Try to over look the fat face underneath the hair, close ups and me, well they are just not right, lol.

Not much else is new here. I am trying to learn the Channel island cast on and not having much luck. Can't wrap my brain or thumb the right way. Grrr This may be one KAL I have to skip.
Another hot day tomorrow to be spent in the pool. Rough days ahead for me, NOT.
Well I am off to make a fresh mug of water and read a little in my Bible before bed. I just realized it's almost midnight. Where did this day go?
Act 13:44 And the next sabbath day came almost the whole city together to hear the word of God.
Not much else is new here. I am trying to learn the Channel island cast on and not having much luck. Can't wrap my brain or thumb the right way. Grrr This may be one KAL I have to skip.
Another hot day tomorrow to be spent in the pool. Rough days ahead for me, NOT.
Well I am off to make a fresh mug of water and read a little in my Bible before bed. I just realized it's almost midnight. Where did this day go?
Act 13:44 And the next sabbath day came almost the whole city together to hear the word of God.
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Saturday, Swimming and Sunburn,

Adam and I got to swim in the pool today about 3 hours. We are both a little red, but it was so worth it.
He was actually singing and turning the wheel a lot but by the time I found the camera and how to make it take a video this was all he had left. LOL
Oh I finished my book. Now to knit some projects I read about in the book.
See you all tomorrow sometime after the race and the sun goes down. Don't think the lap top in the pool is a good idea. LOL
Ecc 2:6 | I made me pools of water, to water therewith the wood that bringeth forth trees: |
Friday, June 6, 2008
Friday is Finally Here
Not sure if you can see it but he has chocolate all around his mouth. Yeah, he has discovered chocolate and he LOVES it. It's so cute to hear him say it too... chalk-a-lit
We got the air conditioner in today so we are set inside for the heat wave about to hit New York. Now tomorrow we need to get a pool set up in the yard for some outside cooling. I have several pools from past years, big and small, I want a bigger one up this year as I plan on enjoying the water on a daily basis. My husband isn't sure where it is or if it's even still in good shape. I think it's in the basement and that has flooded several times over the last year or two. I might have to take some bill money and buy a new one tomorrow. I WILL NOT go without a pool this year. Last year we did, mostly because Adam was in that full body cast and we didn't go outside much all summer long. To be honest this FISH gets pretty depressed when she is out of water too long.
I'm still working on my mystery project. Maybe I'll finish it over the weekend.
I read another 100 pages or so today in my novel, I'd say I am at least 2/3 of the way through. I have already started looking for projects to knit. I'd love to get my hands on a small ball of Cashmere the color black to make a miniature sweater from it. I know I couldn't afford a full sized sweater. Maybe I'll come across some at a yard sale or something.
It's Americade around here and my husband wants to take his motorcycle to the activities in Lake George tomorrow. I say go for it and have a great time, but NOT until you've put up my pool. LOL
Well Adam is asleep and I am ready to join him. I almost forgot to blog. Yikes I would have ruined my goal of 365 blogs in a year.
See you tomorrow
Gen 3:8 | And they heard the voice of the LORD God walking in the garden in the cool of the day: and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the LORD God amongst the trees of the garden. |
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Thursday, Take Two
Well late again but here I am. I am still pretty tired. I hope it's better tomorrow as Adam will be here. Hazy Hot and Humid is on the way too.
Well the perfectionist in me didn't approve my original attempt at this project so I redid it... here are the two versions... Left side is the one I aborted and the Right side is the replacement.
Thought I show you the book I am reading for the June mystery knitting WhoDuKnit group. I am almost half way through, I'm on page 187 of 433. And I am sad to say I have NO clue as to who the murderer is. I wonder if I should by now? It's been forever since I read any book other then the Bible or DR Seuss. LOL It is hard to knit and read though so needless to say I haven't been knitting at all. But we are supposed to knit things that we found in the story and I have a few ideas already. I am excited to get to those projects.

Not much else is new here. I am just too tired to do anything at all so I have no stories to tell. But with Adam here this weekend hopefully I'll have much more to follow over the weekend.
Good night all.
Well the perfectionist in me didn't approve my original attempt at this project so I redid it... here are the two versions... Left side is the one I aborted and the Right side is the replacement.
Not much else is new here. I am just too tired to do anything at all so I have no stories to tell. But with Adam here this weekend hopefully I'll have much more to follow over the weekend.
Good night all.
1Cr 3:13 | Every man's work shall be made manifest: for the day shall declare it, because it shall be revealed by fire; and the fire shall try every man's work of what sort it is. |
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Tuesday's Taxing Trip

Well my friends that's about all you are gonna get from me today. Did it make you smile? It made me smile.
I went to the DR's and I DO have a sinus infection. Guess I am not just a lazy you know what for not wanting to do anything for the last couple days and for being so tired after Adam was here.
I got the antibiotics and should be feeling like a human again in a few days.
I drove myself to the Dr and the UPS truck was blocking the handicapped parking spots so I had to park and walk in. It was pretty hot though and after I finally got to the Dr's office I was sweating. Why didn't I bring water or a towel or a portable shower or a fan? The air conditioner wasn't on in the office either. All the other patients were fanning themselves with magazines too but they didn't look like they were caught in a rainstorm like I thought I did. I saw the NP though and she was nice. All in all it was a successful, painless visit. Except I had to go to the bathroom (darn water pills), which is in the hall. So on the way out I stop there and now, suddenly, you need a key from the receptionist. No way am I walking back into that hot office. I decide to wait until I get home, I am only 15 minutes away afterall.
After that on my way home I decided to get a Dunkin' Donuts Coolatta, yeah I deserved it. However my drivers side window won't open anymore so I had to reach behind the front seat through the back window, which by the way is child proof so it only opens 1/2 way down. I am sure they wondered why this soaking wet fat lady wouldn't just use the front window. Anyway I scraped enough coins to pay for a small strawberry, which by the way was delicious. I dropped a few of them out the window as I reached, oops sorry that was your tip. Well they didn't even give me a napkin so I'd say we are even.
Then I drove through the pharmacy, yeah still driving through because I am too hot and wet to get out in public. Only the drive through there has one of those sliding out things not a window, so I had to position my car just perfectly so I could open the front door and still have the drawer slide out. This took several attempts, the Pharmacist was taking care of an inside customer and kept waving to me that she'd be right there, I think she thought I was debating on staying or leaving. I'd pull up, then stop, open the door, shut the door, pull up, stop... you get the picture.
Well finally I am in the driveway and I go to get out of the car, remember the bathroom visit I skipped, well now I am thinking that was a bad idea. Especially since I finished the Coolatta already. What was I thinking?
Thank God that is all over, I have had a pill., a short nap and now finally blogged. I can now allow myself to go to sleep for the night. Tomorrow is going to be a much better day, it has to be. It is after all POGO Wednesday.
1Pe 4:12 | Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you: |
Monday, June 2, 2008
Monday Maddness
Well for goodness sakes, here I am anxious to blog about the HAIRCUT and blogger is DOWN. How can that be? What's a blogger supposed to do with that maddness?
Let's start off with 22 months of un cut hair... Yes that is GRAY, I know pathetic

So I did some other computer stuff, reading emails, posting on Weight Watchers, map questing for my son Jim who was lost trying to find the courthouse for jury duty. Which after driving for a hour at $4.00 a gallon for gas, $8.00 in parking for 20 minutes tops, only to find out that he was there on the wrong day, he isn't scheduled until the 16th. Yeah he is my son. There is MURPHY blood in him.
I got my new oxygen machine yesterday afternoon about 3:30. Apparently he had three other emergency stops on his way to me and that's why he was so late. It's all good now though and I am breathing once more, well as good as you can with this cold thingy. In fact I am pretty sure I need to call the Dr about it today, it's turning a yucky color and by golly I can't afford all this Kleenex. However I do have a plan for a new creation that involves Kleenex boxes and maybe this week I can actually make them. Shelly I know you know what they are so shush I want them to be a surprise if I do get them finished.
OK I did it, I felted yesterday. I had two different yarns I used. One was Lambs Pride Worsted in Victorian Pink and the other was the Patons Classic Wool Merino in That's Pink and Leaf green. The Patons felted faster, I think I still need to felt the Lamb's pride a little more as I can still see stitches. But they both are great. I suppose you want to see some before and after pictures. Remember the light pink still needs a little more felting.
Peruvia Roses

Heart shaped bowl is my own pattern


Hmm what else? Oh Yes CONTEST WINNER, are you ready? My trusty Random Generator chose Sailorcross aka Beth as the winner. CONGRATULATIONS Beth, I just need your mailing info, you can email it to me on AOL or Ravelry OK?

Let's start off with 22 months of un cut hair... Yes that is GRAY, I know pathetic

So I did some other computer stuff, reading emails, posting on Weight Watchers, map questing for my son Jim who was lost trying to find the courthouse for jury duty. Which after driving for a hour at $4.00 a gallon for gas, $8.00 in parking for 20 minutes tops, only to find out that he was there on the wrong day, he isn't scheduled until the 16th. Yeah he is my son. There is MURPHY blood in him.
I got my new oxygen machine yesterday afternoon about 3:30. Apparently he had three other emergency stops on his way to me and that's why he was so late. It's all good now though and I am breathing once more, well as good as you can with this cold thingy. In fact I am pretty sure I need to call the Dr about it today, it's turning a yucky color and by golly I can't afford all this Kleenex. However I do have a plan for a new creation that involves Kleenex boxes and maybe this week I can actually make them. Shelly I know you know what they are so shush I want them to be a surprise if I do get them finished.
OK I did it, I felted yesterday. I had two different yarns I used. One was Lambs Pride Worsted in Victorian Pink and the other was the Patons Classic Wool Merino in That's Pink and Leaf green. The Patons felted faster, I think I still need to felt the Lamb's pride a little more as I can still see stitches. But they both are great. I suppose you want to see some before and after pictures. Remember the light pink still needs a little more felting.
Peruvia Roses
Heart shaped bowl is my own pattern

Hmm what else? Oh Yes CONTEST WINNER, are you ready? My trusty Random Generator chose Sailorcross aka Beth as the winner. CONGRATULATIONS Beth, I just need your mailing info, you can email it to me on AOL or Ravelry OK?
Adam was such a good boy this weekend it nearly broke my heart sending him home last night. He clearly wanted to stay here, perhaps if he didn't have school today I would have let him. He left here with tears falling, both his and mine.
Have I stalled enough? I guess you are wanting to see the hair cut already? Or maybe not, should I wait and save it for tomorrow? Ok, I'll show you. Here is the back view.

Have a wonderful day.
2Cr 5:17 | Therefore if any man [be] in Christ, [he is] a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. |
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- Monday's Announcement...BLOG CONTEST STARTS JULY 1ST
- Sunday- Celebrating 60 years
- So It's Saturday and this is how it started...
- Fixin' it up Friday
- Physical Therapy Thursday
- Darn near a PERFECT Wednesday
- Tuesday- Dog Tired
- Monday Death of the Internet
- {{{SIGH}}} Sunday is almost over
- Saturday- Steak and Stitches
- Fill the tank Friday
- Thursday- What is A Rose?
- Wednesday- Walk it out, Work it out, What?
- Tuesday- Fortunes, Pretty in Pink and Appointments
- Monday Made It!!
- Sunday- Memories
- Soaky Saturday
- Friday- Fried to the Flesh
- Thursday... The Toes Knows, But I Don't
- Wordless Wednesday- Water Boy Strikes Again
- Tuesday, the Thunder Rolls
- Monday, Yeah I am a Lobster
- Straighten me out Sunday
- Saturday, Swimming and Sunburn,
- Friday is Finally Here
- Thursday, Take Two
- Wordless Wednesday...What is this??? Weird.
- Tuesday's Taxing Trip
- Monday Maddness
- Shave My head Sunday? Say it isn't So.