Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Thank God For A New Day

Adam modeling the checkered flag panel for the VJG blanket. I think he thought it was a scarf.

I knew there was a way to get a video on here, lol. Thank you Erin for pointing out to me what was right underneath my nose.

So it's a little late but it's Adam coloring Easter Eggs. He watches this over and over again, it makes me smile, especially the part where my sister starts explaining what she is going to do and starts three different sentences that she never finishes. Cracks me up.

Adam came over after day care today so we spent the afternoon together. It was nice, but I was very tired and kept almost falling asleep. He went home around 5pm.

The weather was pretty nice around here today until tonight. DH spent the evening down at the river fishing. But the night ended with thunder and lightning. What can I say I live in New York.

I climbed the stairs tonight to watch Biggest Loser, and then came down to watch American Idol. Gotta love reality TV.

Oh I taped a movie to watch today, The Green River killer or something like that, I think it was on the LMN channel, well I got to the last 15 minutes maybe and the recording stopped. So I have no clue how the movie ended. I was so mad. Just another cruel April's Fools joke on me I guess. At least my computer is still right side up today.

I hope to have some pictures tomorrow of the VJG afghan progress

Oh I almost forgot I was TAGGED by Ghost

Here are the rules:
1. Link your tagger and list these rules on your blog.
2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
4. Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

Unfortunately I am going to have to skip rules 3 and 4 for now.
But I already did rule #1 and here is rule #2

1- My hair hasn't been cut in almost 2 years
2- I still sleep with a small security blanket with silk on it
3- I have been enrolled in 14 different schools between Kindergarten and 12th grade
4- I can play the guitar and the piano/organ by ear
5- I write at least one poem everyday
6- I love mayonnaise sandwiches
7- I hope to one day write a book

See you all when I see you
Psa 33:3 Sing unto him a new song; play skilfully with a loud noise.


Lil Knitter said...

Adam looks like a real model in that photo...look out! The video was too cute.
I got tagged too...still haven't done mine yet. I need to get to thinking.

SimplyMe said...

I listened to Joyce this morning and she says stop hoping and start writing!

Yep. I'm ducking.

I'm so glad you got the video thing figured out. What a cutie.

Mary Ann said...

Adam looks so cute with those squares as a scarf! The video wouldn't work for me.

I'm glad you told me about the tagged thing. Ghost tagged me too, but I had no idea that it was some sort of game. Guess I have to blog today!!

I'll try the video again.

hakucho said...

Adam looks very debonair in his new "scarf" ;)

Kenyetta said...

Adam looks so cute!
I hope you start feeling better soon or go to a doctor!

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