Wednesday, April 9, 2008

What's Up Doc?...For Pete's Sake

Does anyone remember those movies from the 60's or the 70's with Barbra Streisand? Stupid silly comedies but for some reason they popped in my mind just as was about to start to blog.

Speaking of blogging, I was talking to Shelly tonight about the RSS feeds to the blogs and I was wondering how many of you use them? Katie told me about it when she was here visiting and now I am using it and it's wonderful. Within minutes I can see when any of you have blogged. it sure saves time having them all in one place and with just a hover over with my mouse I can see if you have updated. Prior to this I used Ravelry and that was great, until they started lagging a day or more behind sometimes. And then there were the friends who aren't on Ravelry. So the question arose do these take up memory on your computer? Hmm I have no idea.

I have completed Yoyo's for three of the 8 colors for the VJG afghan #5.

I am ready to sew together the squares for 2 Close Knit Hugs blankets tomorrow.

Received a phone call today because of an inquiry I made to apply for a grant to fix up some of the things that need to be fixed in this house. They are coming by tomorrow to make a assessment. If this goes through the next time Katie or anyone else comes to visit they can actually use the shower in my house instead of going next door to my sisters house. No this really happened.

No pictures again today but tomorrow I will have hopefully 2 afghans to show you, but definitely 1 for sure.

I guess that's about it for me... I have a lot of things to ponder before I fall asleep.

Good night friends.
Pro 4:26 Ponder the path of thy feet, and let all thy ways be established.


Lil Knitter said...

I use Google Reader to keep track of all the blogs I read...I was using Bloglines but GR is so much faster letting me know when someone has posted...usually within minutes...literally. I don't think it takes up any memory on my computer...not sure about how you're doing it. It's great...this way you rarely miss a thing.

Good luck with the grant!

SimplyMe said...


Katie O said...

Yea, well, I didn't mind going over to Dayna's... she is very nice. It must run in the family. I hope you get the grant. I'm sure you'd love to fix stuff up... I know I like to fix stuff up... it always gives it such a different feel and look. Good luck!! Yo yo's... you are so determined.

Kenyetta said...

Good luck with the grant! I hope all goes well, my tub has legs!

teabird said...

I use RSS feeds too - I love them because I really hate the idea of missing posts from my online friends!

Wendy said...

No I do not use RSS feeds, but have really been thinking of doing so, because I hate to go through all only to find most have not blogged, it would save me so much time (more crafting time). If someone comes to visit me, they can not use the shower either, it only comes out a trickle....But since it is rented I can not even get someone (like my dad) to fix it...I guess from what the land lady said, hers is the same way....
Hope you have a great day today....

ikkinlala said...

I don't use RSS feeds. I tried it and found that it led to me reading blogs when I really didn't have time to do so - for some reason it feels more like an obligation. Of course, I still read blogs while procrastinating (like I am now).

Need Something to Read??? Say GimpyKatK sent you.

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