With a smile like that how can we deny that there is a God and He loves us? I was tickling Adam and he was laughing when I snapped that picture. He has gone home already, but we had a good three days.
Time changes... it never gets any easier does it? I went to bed at 12:30 and was up at 4:30, yep 4:30. Gary was getting ready to go hunting again, and well he turned on the TV to some kind of drag racing or something, and all the lights were on... geez. I tried to go back to sleep after he left but it wasn't happening. So I made some toast and here I am blogging.
I will leave for church in a few minutes. It's communion Sunday so it will be a shorter service. The pastor's wife preaches today, I enjoy her messages.
I am pretty sure I'll nap this afternoon, but when I wake up, I will be drawing the winner for the October contest. Who will it be? An everyday commenter, or a one timer? The odds of course are with the everydayers...
I guess that's all I can think of this morning... See I really am tired. I hope I don't fall asleep during church. Yikes.
Have a wonderful day. Take a minute to be thankful for all the blessing and miracles you have in your life. Even if there are some troubles, you can see the good far out weighs the bad. Gos loves to bless His children, and that my friend is YOU!!!
Happy Sunday.........Hope you have a wonderfully blessed day today
Aww...what a cute picture of Adam. I agree...our children are proof that there is a God. My youngest son removed any doubt I could possibly ever have had. He was born 2 months early and the cord was wrapped around his neck...he wasn't breathing...if not for the Grace of God, he wouldn't be here. He was early for a reason...he wouldn't have be alive at full term. We should always remember to count our blessings.
It's amazing how you pray and believe in God, but when all madness breaks out in your life, you wonder why things happen. You wonder why he lets you be hurt. You wonder why you didn't see things more clearly. You wonder what he expects you to learn from the bad situation. I just need to have faith i guess that he has a bigger plan for me... the the bad things will lead me to something very good. (It's been a bad week, should only have one more or so) Then things should be looking up!! Say a little prayer for me, I'll do the same for you!
What a great smile!
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