My mom is getting her hair cut today too, so she will bring Hannah and Colin over to play with Adam while she is gone, Adam will be thrilled. He will go home tonight after dinner, until I am not sure when.
I got an email today from someone who found my Star of David pattern. They have a blog dedicated to the Star of David, it was pretty interesting to read about all the pictures and the stories behind them. He wants to put my picture on there as well, how cool is that. In case you're interested here is the link to his blog...
(couldn't get the link option to work, grrr)
I sent the crochet butterfly pattern to Wendy and Cat yesterday. Wendy sent me a photo of hers last night, she did it in cotton and all in one color and it looks fabulous. I can see this also being used as a small wash cloth too. I think she noticed a couple pattern errors but I am not sure where they were yet. It was late and I didn't look at it compared to mine yet. But here is the picture of her wonderful work. Can't wait to see what Cat's and maybe Shelly's if she has time, looks like. Thank you very much ladies, it's funny I am usually the one testing the patterns, this is a first for me. LOL

I have been working on smileys yesterday. I have the balls and hats made but haven't made any faces yet. I am saving that for last. I might even put some hair on a few of them too.
Well the phone just rang and we are headed out to get Adam, time for me to go be a Gamma. LOL
Have a wonderful day everyone, I know I will.
You are very welcome.......Brooke claimed it. so It will be used by her, (probably for her babies) But I think it makes a nice cloth also. Infact it could even be added to and made bigger, just by doing more Hdc around the outside.
Have a great day with Adam........
Hi Kathy, Have fun with Adam today.
I like the butterfly pattern. It's very pretty.
Well I finished the baby sweater last night and even made the hat. They're adorable. I tried making the slippers today at club, but I'm less than thrilled on how the one turned out, so I didn't make a second one.
Have a great day!
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