While in bed (and not so patiently, I might add)waiting for my yarn to arrive I have been working on making butterfly squares. I want to do all the borders in white, which I am out of, so what I have been doing is making the brown center bodies and then making the butterfly wings. When my yarn is delivered (please God, let that be today) I will start doing the borders around them. The butterflies really work up fast, I'd say about 10 to 15 minutes tops for each one, and that's with me watching TV too.
Here is a picture of some of the butterflies I have finished... in another bag I have about 100 brown bodies still to sew on wings too, but that picture would have been boring. LOL
Then last night, I suddenly had to knit up a mitten. Why? No clue. For who? Got me. But I did it, only one, in a bright green chunky yarn... here it is.
LOL. Pathetic huh? I suppose I can make the matching glove and maybe a hat to go with it and donate it somewhere.
I have still managed to stick with my eating program and the weight has been dropping off again. I have been here before and usually something happens in my life to throw me for a loop. This is no exception. I told my mom yesterday I feel like a bowling pin, I get up after getting knocked down but they just keep throwing those stupid balls at me. Okay, if I have to be a bowling pin can I at least be the 7 or the 10 pin? At least maybe the ball will miss me and not choose me on the split everytime. I always seem to land in the headpin spot though. God says to whom much is given, much is required. He has a plan for me, I guess it's in my best interest to let Him have His way now so I can get on with it.
What have you all been up to while I have been MIA? Decorating for the holidays? Working on Christmas gifts? Shopping?
I just got a phone call, Adam will be coming today instead of tomorrow. I am glad, I do miss him when he isn't here.
I promise to try to continue blogging daily, I always have something to say. Right now though, I want to find a nice small glitter Christmas picture to put on the blog.
Thanks for all the good wishes and prayers, I really needed them.