Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Day Thirteen of Super Summer 2011

Day Thirteen of Super Summer 2011

Adam spent the day with his dad today. He got up with Papa in the morning and got himself dressed and brushed his teeth without even being asked. He says he had fun at dads, they played on the playstation and watched some movies on Netflix.

Papa picked Adam up and they came to the hospital to see me. I was dinnertime. I still am having trouble eating so Papa ate the chicken Cesar salad and the mandarin oranges, Adam ate a bowl of cheerios with a banana cut up in it and angel food cake with whipped cream on top. Delicious.

Adam built a complete Lego Star wars kit, and a big one at that, all by himself last night. He is so smart and super talented.

My friend Janet stopped by the hospital while Adam and Papa were here. Janet is going to take Adam to the pottery barn next week, he is excited about what he will paint.

Well I am doing well, I have waked 4 times today and did some physical therapy too. Hopefully all will go well and I can go home on Friday. They are coming in to hook me up to a machine that moves my legs, it's big and bulky so won't be typing much.

See everyone tomorrow.

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