Friday, June 17, 2011

Day One of Super Summer 2011

Well really he is NOT sideways but my computer keeps flipping the morning photo of Adam, what's up with that?

We woke up late this morning, needed the sleep for sure. Had a chocolate mini donut that Papa left for Adam and a cup of milk for breakfast.

Adam watched Wipeout and WALL-E while I took my second Unit test for my summer college class.

Of course we MUST play with LEGO's while watching TV, hence the wonderful picture.

We had a swim in Dayna's pool with Hannah.

Then Joe, Jim and Becca joined me, Papa and Adam at our house to have PIZZA for dinner and play some games on the Wii. OMG what fun, they were playing Wipe Out on the Wii and Jim was not doing well, and Adam just crossed those big ball obstacles like it was something he did every day, once he even jumped across them with his character facing backwards. I laughed so hard I almost wet my pants.

OK OK I am old, it happens, I'll admit it lol

Day one went by fast, I sure hope the other 54 days don't go by this fast.

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