Saturday, June 18, 2011

Day Two of Super Summer 2011

Today we went to the movies and saw "Mr Popper's Penguins". Silly movie for sure... if you ask me all penguins look the same yet they could tell the difference between all 6 of them... Captain, Stinky, Lovey, Bitey, Nosey and Nimrod.  I think those were the names, I should have asked Adam before I put him to bed.

Adam went to see his dad's apartment this morning while I went Boxing. I only have a few days left before my surgery so I NEED to get there as often as I can. I will be in withdrawal for the 6 weeks it will take me to recover :-(

We made a couple stops after the movie, including Toy's R Us where of course Adam somehow talked me into buying him a new toy.

Adam called and talked to his mom and brother and all the family in SC tonight. He is so NOT a phone talker, but he did good tonight, he talked to everyone for a few minutes each.

Tomorrow is another day, so I best get some sleep if I want to keep up.

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