Friday, June 24, 2011

Day Eight of Super Summer 2011

Adam with Papa and Hannah Rose
Day 8 of Super Summer 2011

Today was the welcome back to NY party for Adam. We had quite a turn out. There were 18 kids there between 1 and 16, and 17 adults.

We had an abundance of food... Everything was homemade... lasagna, white bean and chicken chili, nachos, egg rolls, Mexican chef salad, hot dogs in BBQ sauce, a sub platter, chicken nuggets, and a zillion snacks and desserts too. Papa and Adam will have plenty to eat while I am in the hospital next week.

For entertainment I stopped at the dollar store and bought  package of 30 balloons. Just plain old blow up and toe balloons but those kids played with them for 2 hours, laughing and running around. They were loud but having a blast. Little by little the balloons started popping, and the adults were quite happy, LOL.

Adam was so excited even after everyone left, but he was wiped out and didn't even know it, fell asleep on the couch pretty quickly. 

I can't believe 8 days have passed already, this summer is going by so fast. Yikes...

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