Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Day Five of Super Summer 2011

Tuesday... So the little man is sleeping like a log, is he wearing Nana out or am I wearing him out? I can honestly say by 10pm I am ready to be in dreamland.

Today was another day of doctor appointments. Today was pre-admission testing at the hospital. After we stopped to the barber for the 2011 version of the super summer haircut :-)
This picture is a far cry from the barber visit we had just 2 years ago. He was literally screaming the entire time back then. If you look in the slide show photos I have of Adam at the bottom of my blog I am sure at least one is of him being tortured at the barber shop, lol.

Because we were out all day we stopped at Old MacDonalds for chicken nuggets for lunch and a new pokeyman toy. He scored and they gave him two :-)

We did get to spend about 2-3 hours in the pool today. Nana always seemed to be the zombie monster, Adam's version of marco polo :-) It was nice to cool off.

In between we also took Hannah to the dentist to have a couple teeth pulled, and for being a GOOD boy through it all he got to get one toy from the dollar store. He chose a package of 4 parachute men. I saw the tangle in my mind instantly. I was right. But Nana figured out how to untangle the four men and their parachutes. See sometimes being a knitter and knowing how to be patient in untangling yarn can come in handy.

A little snuggling on the couch watching Nick Jr and then it's bedtime for these two tired adventurers. Tomorrow is another day

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