Saturday, April 7, 2012

Day 3 of SC Trip- The Monkeys Are Restless

No this isn't Jack and Adam... but I had you wondering didn't I?
Today we went to the Greenville Zoo... Adam's favorite animal was the LION... but I have to say he equally enjoyed the monkeys and snakes and birds too.

I tried to get Adam to pose with the animals but he was not cooperating... here are a few pics I managed to get...

Of course we can't go to a zoo and NOT see Nana's favorite animal... any guesses what that is???

Those of you that know me... guessed...
Adam was the good big brother and tried to help mama carry the little brother because her back was killing her...

After the Zoo, poor Angie had to have her back fixed by Adam
and then we had ice cream sandwiches, watched some movies, took naps and then had pizza for dinner. The boys played with each other and laughed. They love to play with each other.

On that note... Adam and Jack say see ya again soon.... grrrrrrr in their best "bear" voice

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