The Christian Fish Symbol Dishcloth
© Kathleen M Brundige AKA Gimpykatk

Well I just had to go and create a new pattern in the midst of all those Easter dishcloths I still need to make. Someone was asking about a Christian Fish symbol and I searched the internet and didn't see one, so I got out the graph paper and started creating. To the left is my primitative drawing. Looks great on paper. I started knitting and this was the finished product. I will call it take 1 of 3. LOL

I tried to make a new border design and not an experienced knitter yet I made a few errors and the ends sunk in and looked kind of like a gutter, really rolled up. Made the cloth look tall and skinny (nothing like this overweight creator, lol) So back to the drawing board and take numero dos...

As you can see in this picture I widened the base line and fixed the rolling gutter problem but the cloth is HUGE (much like it's creator this time, lol) It looks ok but I thought the fish looked a little wider then I thought it should. So more revisions and finally a pattern I was happier with.

Take 3... This is the one I will guess most would want the patter for although I do still have the pattern for discloth number 2 as well. I am sad that the pictures came out so light in color, it is a light blue but looks almost grey to me in the pictures.
I made these dishcloths with a size 3 bamboo needle as I thought maybe the picture would come out better. I usually use a size 8. Now because I was also working on the 3 crosses my 8's were next to me as I was knitting, and silly me somehow between casting on and working the pattern I ended up on the size 8 needles about halfway thru and had to work the 3's back in. How could I not notice that??? Anyway that was on the first cloth so no harm done, but I felt like a fool.
I must admit it was an adventure creating this pattern, made even more fun by the fact that I slit open my pointer finger on my left hand witht he label from the cone of cotton earlier and the bonus of the burn I got on the palm of my left hand from a very hot George Foremen grill.
I did take a picture of my bandaged finger for fun...
Really good work. I love your design and would absolutely love a copy of the pattern (No. 3) if you are willing to share. I also have many free patterns on my blog you are welcome to. I love your work and will be checking back often!
Great job designing! I have not tried designing a pattern yet.
would love a copy of your fish cloth!
I love your fishcloth too and would love a copy of the pattern. I have not ventured into creating my own. In fact, I just started knitting counting stitches this way. I've got the blog bug and started one too!
Hi Kathy,
Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful pattern. Very nice. I can't wait to get this one on the needles.
Toni in the foothills of the Great Smoky Mountains
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