Not too shabby huh? Didn't think I had it in me to lift all those Elephants in just 30 days. Of course I did more than weight lifting, I also swam and walked and elipiticaled lol is that even a real word? Well it is now. Let's Get Elipiticaled, let's Get Elipiticaled... can you hear the tune? Come on get Elipiticaled with me.

So all that exercising burned a decent ammount of calories. Now you'd think burning all those calories I would have shown some weight loss but I am still plateaued, I am shrinking in size a little though, so I guess the muscle is leaning me up but not YET promoting weight loss on the scale.

Speaking of shrinking in size, funny thing happened to me last night. I was out helping a friend until almost 11pm and I did NOT have dinner and I was hungry on my way home. So I decided to stop at Taco Bell for a quick easy protein fix (smile) Pinto and Beans are always good, I LOVE Mexican type food. So I pulled through the drive through, got close to the window cause I have short arms. Took out my $2 to pay for the feast and the WIND blew one of the dollars right out of my hand. DRAT. The guy looks out his window and can see the buck near my front tire. He wasn't gonna let me go though, I had to get the $$. Well I thought about leaving it and digging for some quareters but decided I'd get out and try to get it. It was after all a dollar and they are hard to come by, right? So I opened my door, literally about 6" and thought how will I even get out of the door? But I got out, then I had to get past the window price thingy that sticks out and the side mirror on my car. I DID, got the dollar, got back to the door opened it again and slid in. Not a scratch on me or the car, LOL. This would never have been possible even a year ago. I am SHRINKING and it sure feels GOOD.
Yes I feel great, and I LOVE exercising. In fact my life is starting to get crazy and I am starting to fear the 5-7 days a week at the Y are going to dwindle down a little, Yikes, Life is interferring with my exercise. Do real people ever think those thoughts? I actually printed a calendar out for scheduling so I can make sure I can schedule GYM time. Yes I am going to be that busy.
Did I tell you all I signed up for college finally? Yes, it's official. I am going to take Human Services and become a Counselor/Social Worker. My hope is to work with adults and children struggling with weight issues, and helping those who have LOST a lot of weight and need help dealing with all that changes in their lives and bodies and minds. This I KNOW a lot about. I start school in the Fall. I'd like to take some classes on diet and nutrition as well as I think this will help me in this venture.
Well that's a quick update. I am still knitting, getting ready for my 30th high school reunion and seeing my dad and friends in CA again. Then Adam comes for 2 months in the summer. Then school starts. I promise to try to blog though so you all know I am still breathing. LOL
Aunt Kathy