I am still knitting and crocheting and even a little counted cross stitch too. Still designing some dishcloth patterns and have started thinking outside my usual box in that area, learning some new stitches and enjoying them a lot. Lately it's been a stash of baby bibs, quick and easy. These are just a couple of the ones I finished.
Adam is still in SC and I miss him every minute of every day. But soon he will be here for two months in the summer and life will be heaven for about 60 days. I can't wait I have plans to enjoy every minute, we will be out and about enjoying the summer, because I CAN be out and about now. I have such a different life now, I can do so much. It's amazing the prison I was living in all these years, and now I have been set free. It's mind boggling.

I have discovered something about myself, you better sit down for this, I LOVE TO EXERCISE. OMG really, there is nothing I'd rather do most of the time... I have found myself thinking and even speaking out loud that LIFE is interfering with my exercise schedule... DR appts, housework, cooking meals, etc. takes away my time from the gym. LOL I can now do almost 20 min on the elipitical, I can ride a real bike now, I lift weights and of course I still swim, water aerobics too.

Health wise I am doing excellent. My weight loss has sort of plateaued since Thanksgiving, but I have lost a lot of weight I am sure my body is just trying to catch up to the shock. I am OK with that, at first it bothered me, but the Docs say I am a weight loss success, I have lost over 80% of my excess body weight and kept it off for over a year now, if I never lost another pound they would consider me a success. I still hope to eventually get to my goal weight, but that will involve some plastic surgery and I don't have the $$ for that unless I win the lotto, can anyone see into the future and tell me what numbers to pick? :-)

I am seriously considering finally at the ripe old age of 47 1/2 of going to college for the first time. I have been rolling this idea around in my head for almost a year now. Not sure what I wanted to do, because really I can DO anything I want. I think after much prayer and thought I'd like to go for dietitian, nutrition and clinical social worker type degrees. I WANT to be able to help others, young and old, who struggle with weight loss, and I'd like to be able to councel after weight loss as well, because really the changes physically and mentally when you lose over 100 pounds is massive, and I think having gone through these myself I can help others as they reach that part of the journey.

Thought I'd close out with a funny photo of Adam and Me from Christmas vacation. I'll be back more often I promise, I miss recording my thoughts and I have appreciated all your messages to me asking how I am doing and when I am blogging again. Thank you all for caring, it means the world to me.