Adam flew all by himself from North Carolina to New York. He is a brave and BIG boy now. He was so funny, he knew the plane was stopping at another airport before he got to NY but he didn't have to change planes. But he thought the plane when it got to NY was going to drop him right off at Nana's house. But once he saw me waiting he knew it was OK.
Of course I spoiled him rotten, it's what Nana's do right? Several trips to Old McDonalds, an entire day at Chuckie Cheese, Christmas, playing in the snow, shopping and portraits at Sears, we filled up those two weeks fast.
Hardest thing I ever had to do was send him back on that plane. But he will be back for 2 months in the summer, that is keeping me going.
I wasn't sure what he would say about my weight loss and my "new"hair but out of the mouth of babes came this comment... "Nana you're not too old anymore!"
Well it's an update anyway, I am so hoping to get back into the swing of things and start blogging more regularly. So much is going on in my life. I think my blog is changing too... I need to have one for knitting and contests, and one for weight loss and one for Adam, LOL. But I don't know how to seperate all those as they all do intertwine together too.
What are your thoughts? Will I lose you with different blogs? I could have a link to each one from the other, but really maybe it's too much. Help!!! LOL