Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Day Twenty Six of Super Summer 2011

Day Twenty Six of Super Summer 2011

Adam slept on the couch last night so Paula could sleep in his bed, he was still sound asleep when I woke up this morning. 

So yet another fun packed day was in store for us. I had a DR appt this morning to have my knees looked at, I'd post pictures of them but this blog right now is all about Adam so I'll spare you to gory details. LOL
We dropped Adam off to Dayna's while I went to the DR so he got to play with Hannah for a couple hours. They played on the Wii and with her Lego's and I think on the trampoline too for a while. I wasn't there so I can't confirm.

After I picked him up we came back to the apartment with my friends Paula and Deb for lunch. Adam had square orange cheese crackers filled with peanut butter a specific request. He even described them to make sure I got the right ones, and he had a bowl of FRUIT FRUIT SALAD. Adam loves fruit salad and we always sing the Fruit Salad song from Noggin when we eat it.

After lunch Adam played on Papa's computer, CLUB PENGUIN, his new addiction. He gets to go on missions and find clues and have adventures. This picture was taken by Paula as he just won some game on there.

Today I taught Adam how to play Go Fish, he calls it Goldfish though. We played four hands and he won all four times. He said he can't believe how he is so good at that game. It was fun.

Dinner was spinach chicken lasagna and he liked it and ate the whole plate. I got the best compliment on it when he said "This tastes like the lasagna I eat at South Carolina". Yay Nana scores.

After dinner Papa got us all cups of soft ice cream. Adam and Papa had sprinkles on theirs.

We watched Wipe out tonight and then the new game show called 101 ways to leave a game show, Adam said why would they do those dangerous things. But he couldn't stop watching.

We are winding down now and getting ready for bed. Tomorrow will be here before we know it.

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